Leslie Mallon
4th of 4 children (a male) of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield
Born: abt 1911, Princeton or Colusa, Colusa Co., California
Died: abt 1911, California; failure to thrive (possible coroner record below)
Buried: Princeton Cemetery in Princeton, Colusa Co., California
Timeline and Records
Four children of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield:
1. James DeVere “DeVere” Mallon
1904 – 1982
2. Marjorie Maxine Mallon
1906 – 1988
3. Neva Harriet Mallon
1908 – 2008
4. Leslie Mallon
abt 1911 – abt 1911
Jacquelin Mallon (mother of Leslie) holding daughter Neva w/Aunt Hattie (a family friend) driving, early 1909, Princeton:
Note for the above photo: This car is a Maxwell, around a 1907 model. The canted front fenders and brass radiator shell are different from those on other manufacturers’ cars at the time, in that it had a horizontal bar above the motor crank. Most cars then had cowl-mounted gas lamps, but headlamps like those in your photo were optional. At that time, some cars were right-hand drive. —Steven E. Smith, Oxford, Connecticut (fellow researcher and headstone, history, and automobile identification buff)
abt 1911: Birth of Leslie Mallon, 4th of 4 children of James Mallon and Jacquelin Chatfield, in Princeton, Colusa Co., California
abt 1911: Death of Leslie Mallon, 4th of 4 children of James Mallon and Jacquelin Chatfield, possibly in San Francisco or Princeton, Colusa Co., California
As I Was Told:
During the nine months that my grandmother carried baby Leslie, the family was dirt-poor. Nana told me she lived on applesauce and crackers (they did have an apple tree!), not exactly the recommended prenatal diet. They were living on a ranch they rented at the time. The fact that the death certificate was issued in San Francisco (if the certificate is in fact for the infant Leslie) would suggest to me that perhaps they went to the city to find some help for the baby. Poor little one — just a footnote to the Mallon history! ~Jacquelin (Mallon) Ewing
May 9, 1911: Coroner’s Report for Unnamed Mallon:
Date Received: May 9, 1911
No Autopsy
Time Received: 6:00 p.m.
Name of Person Reporting Case: (can’t decipher)
Color: White
Age: (a line through it)
Nativity: (may say SF)
Residence: 570 Vallejo St (assuming San Francisco, though they did not live in there)
Time of Death: 5:00 A.M.
Place Where Person Died: 570 Vallejo St
Possible Cause of Death: (blank)
Body Received at Morgue: 6 P.M.
Deputy: JJ Whelan Messenger: (can’t decipher)
Undertaker: James Hogan, May 12, 10:00 A.M.
Autopsy Certificate: San Francisco, May 10, 1911
I hereby certify that I have made an autopsy or examination for the body of: Unnamed Mallon on this 10th day of May 1911 at 10:00 a.m.
Cause of death: (can’t decipher, handwriting is difficult to read):
(1st word): Apnea or asphyxia
(2nd word): could be inconclusive, unconsiousness, neonatorum, meconium, or something close to that
Signed: OA Horn (?) M.D.
Signature of person receiving report: JJ Whelan
Note: It is not confirmed that this coroner’s report is for the infant Leslie Mallon. However, the time frame fits, the last name is Mallon, and all the missing information leads to the probability that this record was for an infant. But the family did not live in San Francisco, nor was it easy in 1911 to get there from Princeton or Williams, small rice farming towns located in the Sacramento Valley. If the report is for the infant in question, perhaps his parents took him to a doctor or hospital in San Francisco hoping to save his life, and that is who delivered the body to the coroner. No birth, death, or cemetery record has been found, also leading to the assumption that the infant did not live long.
abt 1911: The infant Leslie is buried in the Princeton Cemetery, as is his maternal grandfather, Clark S. Chatfield, Sr. The location of his grave is unknown, though there is a headstone for an infant who died in that time frame; there are a number of unmarked graves as many originally had simple wooden markers.

unmarked infant grave
2020. Catherine (Clemens) Sevenau.