Marjorie Maxine Mallon
2nd of 4 children of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield
Born: Jun 10, 1906, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado
Died: Mar 14, 1988 (age 81), Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., California
Buried: Graves Cemetery in Orland, Glenn Co., California
Married: Jun 30, 1927, Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman, Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Two children: Carol Stanleigh Truman, James Carlton Truman
Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman
1st of 3 children of Charles Henry Jacob Truman & Alice Otilia Theuerkauf
Born: Feb 26, 1903, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California
Died: Oct 29, 1993 (age 90), Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., California; head trauma (fell after cataract surgery)
Buried: Nov 5, 1993, Graves Cemetery in Orland, Glenn Co., California
Occupation: Physician, general practitioner
Avocation: Photographer, writer, poet
Married: Jun 30, 1927, Marjorie Maxine Mallon, Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Two children: Carol Stanleigh Truman, James Carlton “Jim” Truman
Timeline and Records
Four children of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield:
1. James DeVere “DeVere” Mallon
1904 – 1982
2. Marjorie Maxine Mallon
1906 – 1988
3. Neva Harriet Mallon
1908 – 2008
4. Leslie Mallon
abt 1911 – abt 1912
Three children of Charles Henry Jacob Truman & Alice Otilia Theuerkauf:
1. Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman
1902 – 1993
2. Lloyd Hamilton Truman
1905 – 1990
3. Edna Myrtle Truman
1907 – 1968
Feb 26, 1903: Birth of Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman,1st of 3 children of Charles Henry Jacob Truman & Alice Otilia Theuerkauf, in San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California
Dec 5, 1904: Birth of James DeVere “DeVere” Mallon, 1st of 4 children of James Mallon and Jacquelin Chatfield and brother of Marjorie, in Chinese Camp, Tuolumne Co., California
Note: Since Grandpa James Mallon was always interested in railroads and probably gold as well, and DeVere was their first child, it doesn’t surprise me that Jacquelin (Nana) was surprised there at Chinese Camp with the birth of her first child. —Carol (Truman) Olson, granddaughter of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield
Jun 10, 1906: Birth of Marjorie Maxine Mallon, 2nd of 4 children of James Mallon and Jacquelin Chatfield, in Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado. Jacquelin’s mother, Mary Elizabeth (Morrow) Chatfield, was living in Basalt, and Jacquelin traveled there to have her second child, Marjorie.
Note: I think Nana would have gone to Basalt to comfort her mother (who’s husband Clark S. Chatfield, Sr. died on Mar 6, 1906) as well as to be with her to deliver Marjorie. —Carol (Truman) Olson, granddaughter of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield
Sep 19, 1908: Birth of Neva Harriet Mallon, 3rd of 4 children of James Mallon and Jacquelin Chatfield and sister of Marjorie, in Princeton, Colusa Co., California
Apr 21, 1910: Federal Census for 5th Township, Glenn Co., California:
Mallon, James F.: head, age 36, married 8 years, born Kansas, father born Missouri, mother born Scotland, general farmer, Sacramento Valley Irr. Co.
Jacqueline: wife, age 24, married 8 years, 3 children born, 3 children living, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Missouri
Devere J.: son, age 5, born California, father born Kansas, mother born Colorado
Marjory: daughter, age 3, born California, father born Kansas, mother born Colorado (born Colorado)
Neva: daughter, age ?, born California, father born Kansas, mother born Colorado (note: age 17 mo)
Note: 15 other people reside at the same address, a servant, a cook, and the rest work for Sacramento Irrigation Company
Aug 15, 1910: DeVere and Marjorie:
James DeVere Mallon (5 yr, 8 mo) & Marjorie Maxine Mallon (4 yr, 8 mo)
1910: Devere, Marjorie, and Neva Mallon:

Stan Truman
Apr 25, 1910: Federal Census for San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California:
Name: Stanley R Truman
Age in 1910: 7
Birth Year: abt 1903
Birthplace: California
Home in 1910: San Francisco Assembly District 36, San Francisco, California
Street: Mission Street
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital status: Single
Father’s name: Charles H J Truman, occupation funeral director
Father’s Birthplace: California
Mother’s name: Alice O Truman
Mother’s Birthplace: California
Native Tongue: English
Attended School: Yes
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members: Name Age
Charles H J Truman 39 (father)
Alice O Truman 38 (mother)
Stanley R Truman 7 (self)
Lloyd H Truman 5 (brother)
Edna M Truman 3 (sister)
Charles E Jacob 78 (father)
Mary S Jacob 72 (mother)
1918: History of Colusa and Glenn Counties (pg 1027):
Source: History of Colusa and Glenn Counties, California, with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the counties who have been identified with their growth and development from the early days to the present.
History by Charles Davis McComish and Mrs. Rebecca T. Lambert. Illustrated. Complete in one volume.
circa 1911: Jacquelin Mallon with her three children:
DeVere, Marjorie, and Neva sitting next to their mother, Jacquelin Mallon at the reins
Jan 11, 1919: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. J.F. Mallon and three children, Devere, Marjorie and Neva, of Princeton, have the influenza in Oakland, Mrs. Tom Tuck of Princeton Is also down with the malady in the same house, as is Mrs. Chatfield, the mother of Mrs. Mallon and Mrs. Tuck, and Leslie Chatfield, Mrs. Mallon’s and Mrs. Tuck’s nephew, making seven in the house suffering of the flu. Getting nurses has been a difficult matter. Mr. Tuck conducted a search In the bay cities, and Mr. Mallon In the valley. Finally one was found and a good one. Then Mr. Mallon engaged Mrs. Rose Miller of Colusa as the day nurse, and rushed her in an auto to the house of sickness. When they arrived in the evening, Mrs. Miller was tired and Mr. Mallon sent her to a hotel to rest for the night. Next morning she, too, was sick and had to be brought home at once.
circa 1918/19: DeVere, Neva, and Marjorie:
DeVere (age 14/15), Neva (age 11), Marjorie (age 12/13)
Above photo was taken about 1918 or 1919, around the time the family moved from Princeton to Oakland
Circa 1918/19: Neva, Marjorie, and DeVere Mallon:
Jan 7, 1920: Federal Census for Oakland, Alameda Co., California:
Name: Stanley R Truman
Age: 16
Birth Year: abt 1904
Birthplace: California
Home in 1920: Oakland, Alameda, California
Street: Telegraph
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Marital status: Single
Father’s name: Charles J Truman
Father’s Birthplace: California
Mother’s name: Alice O Truman
Mother’s Birthplace: California
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: None
Attended School: yes
Able to Read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members: Name Age
Charles J Truman 48 (father) occupation, undertaker
Alice O Truman 48 (mother)
Stanley R Truman 16 (self)
Lloyd H Truman 14 (brother)
Edna M Truman 12 (sister)
Jan 25, 1920: Federal Census for Oakland Township, Alameda Co., California:
Mallan, James: head, age 45, married, born Kansas, father born Kansas, mother born Kansas, Promoter for irrigation (Mallon)
Jacquelin: wife, age 33, married, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Missouri
De Vere: son, age 15, born California, father born Kansas, mother born Colorado (James DeVere Mallon)
Marjorie: daughter, age 13, born California, father born Kansas, mother born Colorado
Neva: daughter, age 11, born California, father born Kansas, mother born Colorado
Chatfield, Mary: mother-in-law, age 70, widowed, born Illinois, father born Nebraska, mother born Nebraska
Chatfield, Leslie: nephew, age 15, born Wyoming, father born Nebraska, mother born Illinois
Note: Mother-in-law is Mary Elizabeth Morrow. Her husband Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr., died in 1906. Leslie Chatfield is the 2nd child of Arthur William Chatfield and Ada B. Miller, born Jul 1, 1904 in Tensleep, Colorado
Aug 22, 1926: Oakland Tribune, Oakland, Alameda Co., California:
Told at a luncheon yesterday afternoon was the betrothal of Miss Marjorie Mallon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mallon of Lawton avenue, to Stanley R. Truman, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.J. Truman of Perry street.
Miss Edna Truman was hostess at the luncheon at the home of her parents, at which Miss Mallon was the guest of honor. The news of the betrothal was made when Patty and Bonnie Burr, the twin daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Burr, dressed in Cupid costumes, pulled two streamers from a ball hung above the luncheon table, and vari-colored hearts fluttered down upon the guests. Bridge was played later in the afternoon. The bride-to-be is attending the University of California. Her fiancé is a graduate of Union College in New York City, and was a member of Theta Alpha fraternity.
Jun 30, 1927: Marriage of Marjorie Maxine Mallon & Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman, in Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Jun 30, 1927: California Marriage Record:
Name: Marjorie Maxine Mallon
Spouse: Stanley Roosevelt Truman
Mother: Jacqueline Chatfield
Father: James F Mallon
Birth: abt 1906 Colorado
Spouse Birth Place: California
Marriage: 30 Jun 1927 Alameda
Residence: 5302-Lawton Ave Oakland
Spouse Residence Place: 280-Perry St Oakland
Name: Stanley Roosevelt Truman
Gender: Male
Birth Year: abt 1903
Birth Place: California
Race: White
Marriage Age: 24
Residence Place: 280-Perry St Oakland
Marriage Date: 30 Jun 1927
Marriage Place: Alameda, California, USA
Father: Charles H J Truman
Mother: Alice A Therkof
Spouse: Marjorie Maxine Mallon
Spouse Gender: Female
Spouse Race: White
Spouse Marriage Age: 21
Spouse Birth Place: Colorado
Spouse Residence Place: 5302-Lawton Ave Oakland
Spouse Father: James F Mallon
Spouse Mother: Jacqueline Chatfield
Record Type: Marriage Licenses and Certificates
Aug 10, 1927: Oakland Tribune, Oakland, Alameda Co., California:
Welcomes are being extended Mr. and Mrs. Stanley R. Truman, who have returned from their honeymoon and who are settled in their attractive apartment in Walnut street, Berkeley, near the campus.
Mr. and Mrs. Truman were married the evening of June 30 at a lovely home service and later spent their honeymoon in Yosemite valley, at Lake Tahoe and the Feather river, and in Colusa county, where they visited with relatives.
They are planning to attend the University of California this year. Mr. Truman will continue his graduate work and Mrs. Truman will enter her senior year. She was formerly Miss Marjorie Mallon.

Stan Truman
As I Was Told:
My younger brother Jim, being a boy, got to do better stuff we thought. But all three of us: me, Jim, and our cousin Jacqui Aubin (who was the same age as Jim) got to ride in the back of the pick-up with our uncle DeVere driving; we all stood up and sang loudly until we got bugs in our mouths and had to shut up. Oh, and I always wanted to drive the mules. I liked to be in charge, driving the mules and saying ‘Gee’ (hard G) ‘Haw.’ —Carol (Truman) Olson, daughter of Stanley and Marjorie Truman.
Jim Truman, Carol Truman, and cousin Jacqui Aubin:
Apr 12, 1944: Death of James Frederick Mallon (age 70), the father of Marjorie Maxine (Mallon) Truman, in Oakland, Alameda Co., California; of a heart ailment.
Apr 13, 1944: The Chico Enterprise, Chico, Butte Co., California:
James Mallon, Successful Rancher Dies in Orland
ORLAND, April 13—(AP)—James F. Mallon, 70, who is believed to have developed the first rice acreage in Colusa county, died yesterday of a heart ailment after being ill since December. Mallon started rice production near Princeton in 1904, later moving to Glenn county.
Mallon came to Willows in 1906 and became associated with the Sacramento Valley irrigation company, later becoming general superintendent and having complete charge of all construction work and operation of the irrigation system.
In 1911 he resigned his position with this company, and went into business for himself, organizing the Maxwell Irrigation District and later the Compton-Delevan Irrigation District, constructing two large pumping plants for taking water from the Sacramento river and a complete distributing system for the irrigation of several thousand acres in each district.
A little more than 20 years ago Mallon acquired a large stock ranch consisting of 6,600 acres west of Orland and has made his home there since 1930.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Jacquelin Mallon; a son, James DeVere Mallon; two daughters, residing in Berkeley, and a brother Ed, of Colusa.
Funeral services will be held at the Orland Federated church, Saturday afternoon at 2:30.
Mid-1940s: Family photo:

Carol, Stan, Marjorie, and Jim
Spring of 1957: European trip:
Letter postmarked Sep 24, 1956: from Jacq Mallon to her new 3rd grandchild, born Sep 11, 1956, in care of her daughter of Carol:
As I Was Told: When my daughter Margot was born, Nana, Jacquelin Chatfield Mallon, sent me this letter (I love the handwriting). Nana was living at 79 Ross Circle with her daughter Neva, and I was in France with my then-husband, a Captain in the Air Force. Only recently did I realize she uses “lassie” to refer to Marguerite as she would have heard that from husband, Grandpa Mallon (JF), whose mother was born in Scotland. As it’s such a sweet letter that I’ve saved it all these years. Hope you enjoy reading it. —Carol (Truman) Olson, daughter of Stanley & Marjorie Truman, granddaughter of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield.
Dec 7, 1964: Death of Jacquelin (Chatfield) Mallon (age 78), the mother of Marjorie Maxine (Mallon) Truman, in Oakland, Alameda Co., California; of a stroke.
Dec 10, 1964: Orland newspaper, Orland, Glenn Co., California:
Services Held for Mrs. J.F. Mallon
Graveside services were held this afternoon at the Graves Cemetery here for Mrs. Jacqueline C. Mallon, 78, who died in Oakland on December 7 after a prolonged illness. A native of Colorado, she had lived in Oakland for the past 20 years, since the death of her husband, James. F. Mallon. The Mallons, who had been longtime residents of Colusa, moved to Orland to take over what had been known as the Allen T. Moore ranch. The homesite is now part of the Black Butte Reservoir.
Mrs. Mallon was active in the Federated Church and in community social affairs during her residence here.
She was the mother of James D. Mallon of Orland, Mrs. Stanley R. Truman and Mrs. Neva M. Aubin of Oakland, and sister of Mrs. Marjorie Tuck, also of Oakland. She had four grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Mallon was a member of the College Avenue United Presbyterian Church of Oakland.
Note: The “C” in Jacqueline C. Mallon stood for Chatfield
1974: Marjorie Maxine (Mallon) Truman

Marjorie & brother Devere, Dec 1979
As I Was Told:
Dad, Stanly Roosevelt Truman, was as much a photographer as a writer. He exhibited at the SF Museum of Modern Art, and also in the American Museum in Bath, England and other venues. He was a general practitioner and part of a group who started the American Academy of General Practice (in our dining room which was under my bedroom, so I can attest to the excitement, and still use the table on which some of the men pounded.) Dad became the president and then president of the National Academy. I sent his books about this to the Academy. —Carol (Truman) Olson, daughter of Stanley and Marjorie Truman.

Carol (Truman) Olson & her Aunt Neva
circa 1979: Marjorie and Stan Truman:
Mar 14, 1988: Death of Marjorie Maxine (Mallon) Truman (age 81), 2nd of 4 children of James Mallon and Jacquelin Chatfield, in Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., California. Marjorie is buried in the family plot in Graves Cemetery in Orland, Glenn Co., California
Mar 14, 1988: California Death Index:
Name: Marjorie Maxine Truman
Mother: Chatfield
Father: Mallon
Birth: Colorado 10 Jun 1906
Death: 14 Mar 1988 Contra Costa
Mar 24, 1988: Rossmoor News, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., California:
Marjorie M. Truman, 82 of 2645 Saklan Indian Drive died March 14 at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek. She was a native of Colorado and a longtime resident of Oakland.
She was a member and president of the Women’s Auxiliary for the California Medical Association and the Alameda-Contra Costa County Medical Association.
She is survived by her husband, Stanley Truman of Rossmoor; one son, James Truman of Santa Fe, New Mexico; one daughter; Carol Olson of Langley, Washington; eight grandchildren; and a sister, Neva Aubin Kyme of Oakland.
No services will be held. Contributions may be made to Save The Redwood League, 114 Sansome Street, SF or the charity of your choice.
Note from Marjorie’s daughter: “No service was held for Mother. Dad was in the hospital, where Jim and I had to tell him that Mother had died.”
Mar 1988: Orland Tribune, Orland, Glenn Co., California:
TRUMAN, Marjorie Mallon in Walnut Creek, March 14, 1988. Beloved wife of Dr. Stanley Truman; loving mother of Dr. James Truman and Carol Truman Case Olson; sister of Neva Aubin Kyme; also survived by eight grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Born In Colorado. Served on the boards of Planned Parenthood of Alameda County, Booth Memorial Hospital, Fred Finch Home, Mathilda Brown Home, Oakland Museum Association and the Women’s Auxiliary in the California Medical Association.
Private family services will be held in Orland, CA. Those wishing may make contributions to Save the Redwood League, 1114 Sansome St., S.F., CA or to the charity of your choice.
Marjorie Maxine (Mallon) Truman
As I Was Told:
My mother was kind and caring, gracious, friendly and generous. Having met someone new she would tell me, “I met the nicest person,” and I thought, yes, of course, you are so nice to others that everyone is nice to you. Sometimes she called me ‘Kitten’. She was respectful—called her mother-in-law Mother Truman. Mother was an elegant hostess, had an eye for beauty, created lovely flower arrangements with a hint of origami, and kept flowers in Dad’s office waiting room. She loved reading and was a member of a long-lasting book club. She did not forget her humble beginnings, and once told me she had taken her lunch to school in a Crisco can (she went on to graduate from U.C.Berkeley). When Mother played the piano, Jimmy and I loved to sit underneath and do the pedals. When leaving Mother and Dad, I picture them still each with one arm around the other and each with their free arms waving goodbye—two people, though one. —Carol (Truman) Olson, daughter of Stanley and Marjorie Truman.
Jan 2, 1990: Death of James Carlton “Jim” Truman (age 58), 2nd of 2 children of Stanley Roosevelt Truman & Marjorie Maxine Mallon; of head trauma from being thrown from a horse. Jim’s ashes are scattered on a hill above Santa Fe, New Mexico
Note: James Carlton Truman, his father Stanley Roosevelt Truman, and grandfather James DeVere Mallon all died of head trauma after a fall.
Jan 1990: Alameda County newspaper obituary, Alameda Co., California:
TRUMAN, James C. M.D. in his Santa Fe, New Mexico home on Tuesday, January 2, during his recuperation from a serious accident. Dr. Truman was born in San Francisco in 1932; he graduated from Piedmont H.S. and UC Davis; he attended OCS and served 4 years as an officer in the Naval Reserve, he then graduated from McGill University in Montreal in 1962. He established his practice in internal medicine in Oakland after completing his internship and residency at Highland Hospital. He retired to live in New Mexico in 1987. His love of the outdoors was shown through his many years of backpacking and sailing with his family and close friends. He is survived by his father Dr. Stanley R. Truman of Walnut Creek; …
Friends are invited to a Memorial Service on Wednesday, January 10, 1990 at 3pm at St. Clement’s Episcopal Church, Berkeley. In lieu of flowers contributions in his memory can be made to an organization of choice or to The Head Trauma Support Project, Inc. 909 12th St., Sacramento, CA.
Oct 23, 1993: Death of Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman (age 90), husband of Marjorie Maxine (Mallon) Truman and the 1st of 3 children of Charles Henry Jacob Truman & Alice Otilia Theuerkauf in San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California. Stan is buried with Marjorie in Graves Cemetery in Orland, Glenn Co., California

Marjorie & Stan
Oct 23, 1993: California Death Index:
Name: Stanley Roosevelt Truman
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 26 Feb 1903
Birth Place: California
Death Date: 29 Oct 1993
Death Place: Contra Costa
Mother’s Maiden Name: Therkof
Social Security Applications and Claims Index:
Name: Stanley Roosevelt Truman
[Stanley R Truman]
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birth Date: 26 Feb 1903
Birth Place: San Francisco, California
Death Date: 29 Oct 1993
Claim Date: 3 Feb 1968
Father: Charles H Truman
Mother: Alice O Theuerkauf
Notes: Feb 1942: Name listed as STANLEY ROOSEVELT TRUMAN; 30 Jan 1968: Name listed as STANLEY R TRUMAN
Oct 1993: Walnut Creek newspaper obituary, Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., California:
TRUMAN, Stanley R. M.D. — in Walnut Creek, October 29, 1993. A native of San Francisco, and a Rossmoor resident of 7 years, age 90. Dr. Truman practiced medicine in Oakland for 50 years. Father of Carol T.C. Olson of Washington; grandfather of eight and great grandfather of nine.
Memorial Services will be held on Friday, November 5, 1993 at 2:00 p.m. at the Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church, 55 Eckley Ln., Walnut Creek, CA. Interment will be private. Family suggests donations to the SAVE THE REDWOODS LEAGUE, 114 Sansome St. S.F. CA or to your local Planned Parenthood.
As I Was Told:
Right now I’m enjoying my own musings and imaginations about these colorful relatives of mine. I remember Nana (Jacquelin Chatfield Mallon) used to tell us about lightning playing off the horns of the cattle! —Carol (Truman) Olson, daughter of Stanley & Marjorie Truman, granddaughter of James Frederick Mallon & Jacquelin Chatfield
Jun 2002: Stanley R. Truman, A Collection of His Writings, by Jacquelin (Aubin) Ewing
Stanley R. Truman
A collection of his writings
Stanley Truman lived a long, productive, involved life. He was deeply involved in service to his patients, his family, and his community. His observations and appreciation of his surroundings were most evident to us in his magnificent photographs of the natural world, and of the homely artifacts and structures of everyday life; a wave-washed shell on wind-combed sand, a rough-hewn barn door, a lonely, gnarled tree touched by a setting sun.
During the last two years of Stan’s life, I was fortunate enough to attend a writing class with him. He had joined the class with a purpose: to write about the things he experienced as a boy and young man, growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area, in order to share his memories with grandchildren and great-grandchildren. His power of recollection was keen and his descriptions of the minutiae of everyday life are exacting and evocative. He was a true observer of his twentieth-century world.
Should I go in?
I’m sitting on the porch — alone
Marj is not here
I can’t stop crying
It has been a beautiful day
War, no wind
Doves cooing
There is silence
The sun is almost setting
The clouds won’t block it out
I hear voices in the distance
They sound happy saying goodbye
The sun is gone
Only the bright clouds remain
I’ll stay here until it’s cold
My handkerchief is wet
I’d better go in!
Stanley Truman
March 1988
Note: Stanley Roosevelt Truman’s wife, Marjorie (Mallon) Truman, died Mar 14, 1988
Stanley Roosevelt Truman Line
Charles Henry Jacob Truman
Son of Karl/Charles Ernest Jacob & Mary Susanna Steiner
Born: Feb 17, 1871, San Francisco, California
Died: May 28, 1940 (age 69), Indianapolis, Marion Co., Indiana
Buried: Moutain View Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Occupation: Mortician, Funeral Director, President of the California Funeral Directors Association, owned Truman Undertaking Company in Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Married: Aug 27, 1901, Alice Otilia Theuerkauf, San Francisco, California
Three children: Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman, Lloyd Hamilton Truman, Edna Myrtle Truman
Alice Otilia Theuerkauf
Daughter of George Theuerkauf & Elizabeth Marea Miller
Born: Jul 4, 1871, San Francisco, California
Died: Apr 23, 1964 (age 92), Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Buried: Moutain View Cemetery, Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Married: Aug 27, 1901, Charles Henry Jacob Truman, San Francisco, California
Three children: Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman, Lloyd Hamilton Truman, Edna Myrtle Truman
Charles & Alice Truman family:
Three children of Charles & Alice Truman: Stanley Roosevelt Truman, Lloyd Hamilton Truman, Edna Myrtle Truman:
1. Stanley Roosevelt “Stan” Truman
Born: Feb 26, 1903, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California
Died: Oct 29, 1993 (age 90), Walnut Creek, Contra Costa Co., California
Buried: Nov 5, 1993, Graves Cemetery in Orland, Glenn Co., California
Occupation: Physician, general practitioner
Married: Jun 30, 1927, Marjorie Maxine Mallon, Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Two children: Carol Stanleigh Truman, James Carlton “Jim” Truman

siblings: Lloyd, Stan, and Edna Truman
2. Lloyd Hamilton Truman
Born: Jun 24, 1905, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California
Died: Jun 3, 1990 (age 85), Grass Valley, Nevada Co., California
Buried: New Elm Ridge Cemetery in Grass Valley, Nevada Co., California
Occupation: Funeral Director and embalmer
Married: Aug 9, 1930, Clarice Scudder, Alameda Co., California
Two children: Donald Edward Truman, Martha Lee Truman
3. Edna Myrtle Truman
Born: May 27, 1907, San Francisco, San Francisco Co., California
Died: Mar 28, 1968 (age 60), Stockton, San Juaquin Co., California
Buried: unknown
Married: Mar 26, 1929, Malcolm Rogers Eiselen, Oakland, Alameda Co., California
Three children: Alice Elizabeth Eiselen, Robert Malcolm Eiselen, Everett Truman Eiselen
Jun 1892: Charles Henry Jacob Truman, standing dead center, German Society:
Charles Henry Jacob Truman: Mortician. After attending local public schools, Charles Truman attended Wesleyan College in Warrenton, Missouri. After returning to San Francisco, in 1896 he entered the undertaking business and started the Truman Undertaking Company at 1365 Divisadero Street. In 1912, he opened another funeral establishment at 2935 Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, California. He became president of the Mercantile Building-Loan Assn., vice president of the Associated Realty Operators, a director of the First National Mortgage Company, director of Morris Plan Company, president of the Telegraph Avenue District Development Ass., a trustee of the College of the Pacific, a director of the Camp Fire Girls, director of East Bay Title Insurance Co., president of Oakland YMCA, National president of the International High Twelve Club (Masonic), a past president of High Twelve Service Club, a past president of the Oakland YMCA Fellowship Luncheon Club, and other organizations, among them the director of the Fred Finch Orphanage and a member of the advisory board of the Salvation Army. In 1917 he served as President of the California Funeral Directors Association.
In the year 1911, Mr. Truman and his family moved to Oakland. He was married in 1901 to Miss Alice O. Therkof of San Francisco and had 3 children, Stanley, Lloyd, and Edna. He was prominent in Masonry and belonged to every branch of the order.
The funeral home in Oakland ceased operations about 1979 and the building no longer stands. It was one of the finest funeral homes in Oakland.
May 31, 1940: The San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco, California (pg 11):
2020. Catherine (Clemens) Sevenau.
Marian Clemens says
Lots of interesting stories and the photos are great. . . particularly the adorable children’s pictures. Thanks.
Catherine Sevenau says
I was sent most of those photos in the past week by three Mallon/Truman kin. That page would not look as it does without their help! Yay!!