Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” Chatfield
5th of 5 children of Elmer Ellsworth Chatfield & Della Chatfield
Born: Dec 18, 1905, Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Died: May 26, 1990 (age 84), Fairfield, Solano Co., California; complications from diabetes
Buried: St. Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in Fairfield, Solano Co., California
Avocation: Singer
Married: Jan 28, 1928, Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, Casper, Natrona Co., Wyoming
Two children: Charlotte Dell Rosenberry, Billy Wayne Rosenberry
Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry
3rd of 7 children of Harry Rosenberry & Myrtle Ellen Sisk
Born: Sep 27, 1906, Henderson, Knox Co., Illinois
Died: Sep 1, 1967 (age 60), Fairfield, Solano Co., California; emphysema
Buried: St. Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in Fairfield, Solano Co., California
Occupation: Farmer, construction, bartender
Avocation: Rode the rodeo circuit
Married: Jan 28, 1928, Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” Chatfield, Casper, Natrona Co., Wyoming
Two children: Charlotte Dell Rosenberry, Billy Wayne Rosenberry
1. Charlotte Dell Rosenberry
Born: Oct 25, 1928, on a farm in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Died: Jun 5, 2010 (age 81), Fairfield, Solano Co., California; Alzheimer’s disease, complications from spider bite
Buried: St. Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in Fairfield, Solano Co., California
Occupation: Medical secretary for the U.S. Air Force
Married: Jan 27, 1951, Curtis Joseph Blake, Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Arizona
Four children
2. Billy Wayne Rosenberry
Born: Mar 12, 1937, Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Died: Mar 12, 1937, Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming; big baby syndrome due to diabetic mother
Buried: Mount View Cemetery in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Timeline and Records
Five children of Elmer Ellsworth Chatfield & Della Chatfield:
1. Helen Layle Chatfield
1894 – 1975 (m. Rudolph Oscar “Rudy” Hornburg)
2. Marion Hortense Chatfield
1896 – 1980 (m. William Perry Tarter)
3. Sevilla Maude/Shirley Chatfield
1898 – 1981 (m. Fred Chester Sproul)
4. Audrey Ella Chatfield
1900 – 2000 (m. Joseph Anthony “Joe” Bodan)
5. Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” Chatfield
1905 – 1990 (m. Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry)
Seven children of Harry Rosenberry & Myrtle Ellen Sisk:
1. Charles Edward Rosenberry
1902 – 1977 (m. Della Katherine Scovel)
2. Marguerite Eileen Rosenberry
1904 – 1997 (m. Wiliam Richard Barnett)
3. Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry
1906 – 1967 (m. Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” Chatfield)
4. Lillian Marie Rosenberry
1915 – 1993 (m. Zigmund E. Gadziala)
5. Bertha Evelyn Rosenberry
1917 – 1919
6. Harry Rosenberry
1919 – 2004 (m. Nancy A. Taylor)
7. Helen Elizabeth Rosenberry
1921 – 1941
Dec 18, 1905: Birth of Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” Cordelia Chatfield, 5th of 5 children of Elmer Chatfield and Della Chatfield, in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Sep 27, 1906: Birth of Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, 3rd of 7 children of Harry Rosenberry & Myrtle Ellen Sisk, in Henderson, Knox Co., Illinois
Spring Creek, Big Horn Co., Wyoming; circa August of 1906
On the back of this picture is handwritten: “Uncle Elmer’s ranch above Tensleep”
Note: Elmer Ellsworth Chatfield, Charles Henry Chatfield, and Jacquelin (Chatfield) Adams are siblings; pictured are 13 of their combined offspring (ages approximate):
Helen, Marion Chatfield, Charles, Sevilla, Marion Adams, Leo, Howard, Roy, Kathryn, Nella May, family dog, Audrey holding two babies, Gordon and/or Constance
Helen Layle Chatfield: born Feb 15, 1894 (age 12), daughter of Elmer & Della
Marion Hortense Chatfield: born Feb 25, 1896 (age 10), daughter of Elmer & Della
Charles Joseph Chatfield: born Nov 18, 1895 (age 9) Charles & Nellie, son
Sevilla Maude Chatfield: born Oct 18, 1898 (age 7), daughter of Elmer & Della
Marion Jacqueline Adams: born Apr 24, 1898 (age 8), daughter of Jacquelin & Fred
Leo Willard Chatfield: born Oct 23, 1897 (age 8), son of Charles & Nellie
Howard Francis Chatfield: born Jun 13, 1899 (age 7), son of Charles & Nellie
Roy Elmer Chatfield: born Mar 20, 1901 (age 5), son of Charles & Nellie
Kathryn “Kate” Adams: born Jan 31, 1903 (age 3), daughter of Jacquelin & Fred
Nella Mae Chatfield: born Mar 11, 1903 (age 3), daughter of Charles & Nellie
black dog
Audrey Ella Chatfield: born Nov 27, 1900 (age 5), daughter of Elmer & Della
2 babies (note: assuming Gordon is on the left and Constance is on the right):
Gordon Gregory Chatfield: born Dec 20, 1905 (8 mo), son of Charles & Nellie
Constance Cordelia Chatfield: born Dec 18, 1905 (8 mo), daughter of Elmer & Della
May 9, 1910: Federal Census for Spring Creek, Big Horn Co., Wyoming:
Chatfield, Elmer E.: Head, age 47, married 1 for 17 years, born Colorado, father born Illinois, mother born Illinois, occupation stock grower on range
Della: wife, age 36, married 1 for 17 years, 5 children born, 5 living, born Nebraska, father born Illinois, mother born Missouri
Helen L.: daughter, age 16, born Colorado, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Marion H.: daughter, age 14, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Sevilla M.: daughter, age 11, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Audrey E.: daughter, age 9, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Constance C.: daughter, age 4, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Circa 1910 Postcard: Elmer & Dell’s five daughters at the ranch near Ten Sleep: Audrey, Marion, Helen, Sevilla, Constance “Babe”:
Oct 31, 1919: Death of Della Chatfield (age 47), mother of Constance, on Halloween night at her home in Worland, Washakie Co., Wyoming. Her four older daughters are in their 20s, the youngest, Constance “Babe”, is 14.
Nov 6, 1919: Worland Grit, Worland, Washakie Co., Wyoming:
Della B. Chatfield, wife of Elmer E Chatfield, a well known stockman and farmer of this section, died at their home north of the City last Friday evening. She had just recently returned from the hospital at Rochester, Minn. and the community held hope the end was not so near. Besides her husband she leaves five daughters, Helen, Marion, Sevilla, Audrey and Babe all residing at home. Funeral services were held at the home last Monday afternoon, the services being in charge of the Rev. William Gorst.
Jan 24-26, 1920: Federal Census for Election Precinct 4, Washakie Co., Wyoming:
Chatfield, Elmer E.: Head, age 56, widow, born Colorado, father born Illinois, mother born Illinois, farmer
Helen L.: daughter, age 25, born Colorado, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Marion H.: daughter, age 23, born Colorado, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Sevilla M.: daughter, age 21, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Audrey E.: daughter, age 19, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Constance C.: daughter, age 15, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Nebraska
Dec 23, 1920: Worland Grit, Worland, Washakie Co., Wyoming (pg 1):
Worland High School Notes
We enjoyed three visitors Thursday December 16th, who were: Miss Fern Laird, Miss Marion Chatfield and Miss Audrey Chatfield.
Rexall Prize Contest Closes Friday Night
Who will win? The Rexall Store Diamond Ring Contest closes Friday night at midnight, and there will be five happy girls. The first prize will be a diamond ring, the second a gold wrist watch, the third a pearl necklace, fourth an ivory toilet set, and fifth an ivory manicure set. As we go to press Miss Pearl Denton is leading, with Catherine Howell, Velma Moncrief, Ida Reilly, Mildred Campbell, Marjorie Picard, Oneita, Peterson, Lanorma Early, Margaret McClellan, Frances Folck, Ruth Millard, Grace Chance and Constance Chatfield following closely.
Jan 28, 1928: Marriage of Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” Chatfield & Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, in Casper, Natrona Co., Wyoming.
Oct 25, 1928: Birth of Charlotte Dell Rosenberry, 1st of 2 children of Constance Cordelia “Babe” Chatfield & Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, on a farm in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming.
Apr 10, 1930: Federal Census Worland town, Washakie Co., Wyoming:
Rosenberry, Forest W.: head, age 23, married at 21, born Illinois, father born Pennsylvania, mother born Illinois, laborer odd jobs
Rosenberry, Constance: wife, age 24, married at 22, born Wyoming, father born Colorado, mother born Colorado
Rosenberry, Charlotte: daughter, 1, single, born Wyoming, father born Illinois, mother born Wyoming
Dec 26, 1936: Death of Harry Rosenberry (age 66) father of Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming. Harry is buried in Mount View Cemetery in Basin.
Mar 12, 1937: Birth and Death of Billy Wayne Rosenberry, 2nd of 2 children of Constance Cordelia “Babe” Chatfield & Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming. Billy is buried along with numerous Rosenberrys in the Mt. View Cemetery in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming.
The baby looked like a two-month-old when born. Shortly after his birth, his mother was diagnosed with diabetes, her disease probably the cause of the infant’s macrosomia. Macrosomia (aka Big Baby Syndrome) describes an unusually large body size and is often used to describe an oversized fetus. The most common cause of macrosomia is diabetes in the mother, which can lead to trauma during birth.
Note: The above picture is printed on a postcard
Headstone reads:
— 1937 —
Memento Mori
Post-mortem photography (also known as memorial portraiture or memento mori) is the practice of photographing the recently deceased.
These photographs served less as a reminder of mortality than as a keepsake to remember the deceased. This was especially common with infants and young children; Victorian era childhood mortality rates were extremely high, and a post-mortem photograph might be the only image of the child the family ever had. The later invention of the carte de visite, which allowed multiple prints to be made from a single negative, meant that copies of the image could be mailed to relatives.
The practice eventually peaked in popularity around the end of the 19th century and died out as “snapshot” photography became more commonplace, although a few examples of formal memorial portraits were still being produced well into the 20th century.
The earliest post-mortem photographs are usually close-ups of the face or shots of the full body and rarely include the coffin. The subject is usually depicted so as to seem in a deep sleep, or else arranged to appear more lifelike. Children were often shown in repose on a couch or in a crib, sometimes posed with a favorite toy or other plaything. It was not uncommon to photograph very young children with a family member, most frequently the mother. Adults were more commonly posed in chairs or even braced on specially-designed frames.
Apr 12, 1940: Federal Census for Basin town, Big Horn Co., Wyoming:
Rosenberry, Forest W.: head, age 33, married, born Illinois, bartender in liquor business
Rosenberry, Constance: wife, age 34, married, born Wyoming
Rosenberry, Charlotte: daughter, 11, single, born Wyoming

1940-1947: WWII Draft Cards for Young Men:

Charlotte, parents Forest & Constance, grandfather Elmer Chatfield, unk child

Constance, daughter Charlotte, Forest
Jan 27, 1951: Marriage of Charlotte Dell Rosenberry & Curtis Joseph Blake, a U.S. Air Force career man, in Phoenix, Maricopa Co., Arizona

Charlotte and Forest with children, circa 1960
Family Notes from Charlotte (Chatfield) Rosenberry:
Frosty and Babe’s first house was a converted boxcar on the Rosenberry ranch in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming.
Forest was asthmatic, so he would be sitting while Babe was working. He was a good dad, adored their daughter Charlotte, and took good care of her.
While living in Arizona, Babe worked at a great northern white bean beanery.
Later in life, she lived at Scotty Castle in Death Valley, California where she was the caretaker for the owner.
Constance, due to her diabetes, was confined to a wheelchair for many years before her death.

sisters: Constance, Sevilla, father Elmer, Audrey, Marion
Sep 20, 1962: Death of Elmer Ellsworth Chatfield (age 99), father of Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” (Chatfield) Rosenberry, at the Pioneer Home in Thermopolis, Hot Springs Co., Wyoming.
Dec 9, 1966: Death of Myrtle Ellen (Sisk) Rosenberry (age 87) mother of Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, in Basin, Big Horn Co., Wyoming. Myrtle is buried in Mount View Cemetery in Basin with her husband, Harry.

Myrtle (Fisk) Rosenberry
Sep 1, 1967: Death of Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry (age 60), husband of Constance Cordelia (Chatfield) Rosenberry, in Fairfield, Solano Co., California; emphysema. Forest is buried in St. Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in Fairfield.
Sep 3, 1967: Alamogordo Daily News, Alamogordo, Otero Co., New Mexico (pg 1):
1968: U.S. City Directory for Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Name: Mrs Constance Rosenberry
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1968
Residence Place: Fairfield, Solano, California, USA
Spouse: Wid (widow) Forrest Rosenberry
Publication Title: Fairfield, California, City Directory, 1968

The last reunion of the Chatfield sisters, early 1970s, hosted by Clark Tarter, Marion’s son
Pictured above:
Constance Cordelia “Babe”(Chatfield) Rosenberry (age 65)
Audrey Ella (Chatfield) Bodan (age 70)
Sevilla Maude/Shirley (Chatfield) Sproul (age 72)
Marion Hortense (Chatfield) Tarter (age 74)
Helen Layle (Chatfield) Hornburg (age 76)
1971: U.S. City Directory for Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Name: Mrs Constance Rosenberry
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1971
Street address: 2045 Thrush Way
Residence Place: Fairfield, Solano, California, USA
Spouse: Wid (widow) Forrest Rosenberry
Publication Title: Fairfield, California, City Directory, 1971
Dec 26, 1975: Death of Helen Layle (Chatfield) Hornburg (age 81), 1st child of Elmer & Della Chatfield and sister of Constance, in Refugio, Refugio Co., Texas. Helen is buried in the Oakwood Cemetery in Refugio, Texas.
1976: U.S. City Directory for Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Name: Mrs Constance Rosenberry
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1976
Residence Place: Fairfield, Solano, California, USA
Occupation: Retired
Publication Title: Fairfield, California, City Directory, 1976
Oct 1976: Oakland, California, picture of three Chatfield sisters and their cousins Neva Aubin and Marjorie Tuck:
Marion (Chatfield) Tarter Hyatt (daughter of Elmer & Della Chatfield)
Neva (Mallon) Aubin (daughter of Jacquelin Chatfield & James Mallon)
Marjorie (Chatfield) Tuck (daughter of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. & Mary Elizabeth Morrow)
Audrey (Chatfield) Bodan (daughter of Elmer & Della Chatfield)
Constance (Chatfield) Rosenberry (daughter of Elmer & Della Chatfield)
1977: U.S. City Directory for Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Name: Mrs Constance Rosenberry
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1977
Street Address: 101 Union Av Apt 124
Residence Place: Fairfield, Solano, California, USA
Occupation: Retired
Publication Title: Fairfield, California, City Directory, 1977
1979: U.S. City Directory for Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Name: Mrs Constance Rosenberry
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1979
Residence Place: Fairfield, Solano, California, USA
Occupation: Retired
Publication Title: Fairfield, California, City Directory, 1979
1980: U.S. City Directory for Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Name: Mrs Constance Rosenberry
Gender: Female
Residence Year: 1980
Residence Place: Fairfield, Solano, California, USA
Occupation: Retired
Publication Title: Fairfield, California, City Directory, 1980
Jun 18, 1980: Death of Marion Hortense (Chatfield) Tarter Hyatt (age 84), 2nd child of Elmer and Della Chatfield and sister of Constance, in Angwin, Napa Co., California. Marion is buried in the St. Helena Public Cemetery in St. Helena, Napa Co., California.
Mar 30, 1981: Death of Sevilla “Shirley” (Chatfield) Sproul (age 82), 3rd child of Elmer and Della Chatfield and sister of Constance, in San Marcos, San Diego Co., California, of a heart attack. Her husband Fred Chester Sproul died Apr 30, 1989 (age 91) in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego Co., California of heart problems. They are interred in Eternal Hills Cemetery in Oceanside, San Diego Co., California.
1982: U.S. City Directory for Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Name: Mrs Constance Rosenberry
Gender: Female
Address: 101 Union
Residence Year: 1982
Residence Place: Fairfield, Solano, California, USA
Occupation: Retired
Publication Title: Fairfield, California, City Directory, 1982

Cousins: Beverly (Sproul) Kelly & Charlotte (Rosenberry) Blake
Beverly is a granddaughter of Elmer & Della Chatfield and daughter of Sevilla Chatfield & Fred Sproul
Charlotte is a granddaughter of Elmer & Della Chatfield and daughter of Constance Chatfield & Forest Rosenberry

Cousins: Beverly Kelly, Clark Tarter, Charlotte Blake
May 26, 1990: Death of Constance Cordelia “Babe/Connie” (Chatfield) Rosenberry (age 84), 5th child of Elmer and Della Chatfield, in Fairfield, Solano Co., California. Connie is buried alongside her husband Forest “Frosty” Rosenberry (1906 – 1967) at the Suisan-Fairfield Cemetery in Fairfield.
Nov 15, 2001: Death of Curtis Joseph Blake (age 71), son of Joseph A. “Joe” Blake & Nancy Gillen and husband of Charlotte Dell Rosenberry, in Fairfield, Solano C., California; of cancer and emphysema. Curtis is buried in St. Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in Fairfield.
Nov 15, 2001, Daily Republic, Fairfield, Solano Co., California:
Curtis Blake
Sept. 5, 1929 – Nov. 15, 2001
FAIRFIELD – A funeral for Curtis J. Bake, 72, is planned for 9 a.m. Wednesday at Bryan-Braker Funeral Home.
Mr. Blake died Thursday, Nov. 15, 2001, in Fairfield after a long illness.
A native of Rhinelander, Wisc., Mr. Blake lived in Fairfield 37 years. He served in the U.S. Air Force, retiring in 1968 as a master sergeant after working as a flight engineer with the 60th Military Airlift Wing. He owned and operated Curt Blake Realty in Fairfield for 14 years. He was a master machinist with Shop 31 at Mare Island Naval Shipyard. He was a honorary lifetime member of Knights of Columbus, a former member of Suisun-Fairfield Rotary and a member of the Aircraft Owners/Pilots Association. He loved his family, flying and computers. He celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary in January.
He is survived by his wife of 50 years, Charlotte Blake of Fairfield; sons …; daughter and son-in-law …; sisters, Eunelle Bresette and Joyce Ostrowski of Milwaukee; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Leslie Blake, in 1993.
Friends may call at the Bryan-Braker Funeral Home chapel at 5 to 9 p.m. Tuesday. Burial will be at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Donations preferred to NorthBay Hospice, 1300 Oliver Road, Suite 210, Fairfield, Calif. 94533.
Jan 31, 2000: Death of Audrey Ella (Chatfield) Bodan (age 99), 4th child of Elmer and Della Chatfield and sister of Constance, near Jackson, Teton Co., Wyoming. Audrey is buried along with her husband Joe in the Riverview Memorial Gardens in Worland, Washakie Co., Wyoming.
Jun 5, 2010: Death of Charlotte Dell Rosenberry (age 81), 1st of 2 children of Constance Cordelia “Babe” Chatfield & Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, in Fairfield, Solano County, California; of Alzheimer’s disease and complications from a spider bite.
Charlotte is buried alongside her husband, Forest Wayne “Frosty” Rosenberry, in St. Alphonsus Catholic Cemetery in Fairfield, Solano Co., California.
Jul 10, 2010, Daily Republic:
Charlotte Dell Blake
Oct. 25, 1928 – June 5, 2010
A Catholic prayer service for Charlotte Dell Blake, 81, a longtime Fairfield resident, will be held at 11:00 a.m., Friday, June 11, at Bryan-Braker Funeral Home.
Charlotte was born in Basin, Wyo. to Forest and Constance Rosenberry on Oct. 25, 1928. She attended Sparks High School and continued her education at the University of Nevada. After an introduction by her Uncle Harry Rosenberry, she married Curtis J. Blake on Jan. 27, 1951. He had a career in the U.S. Air Force, and the family relocated frequently, finally settling in Fairfield in 1964. Charlotte then went to work at David Grant Hospital as a secretary for the Department of Medicine.
Charlotte was a devoted and loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. She enjoyed family gatherings and traveling with her husband after they both retired. She was a past president of the Fairfield Business and Professional Women and had belonged to various other clubs and organizations.
Charlotte was preceded in death by her loving husband of 50 years, Curtis, and her youngest daughter, Leslie Ann. She is survived by three children …; four grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins.
Memorial contributions may be made to the North Bay Hospice or the Alzheimer’s Association of Northern California. Arrangements are under the care of Bryan-Braker Funeral Home.
2020. Catherine (Clemens) Sevenau.