Mabel Clair Chatfield
6th of 9 children of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. & Mary Elizabeth Morrow
Born: Oct 12, 1883, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado
Died: Mar 5, 1960 (age 76), Los Gatos, Santa Clara Co., California
Buried: Mar 8, 1960, Los Gatos Memorial Park in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., California
Occupation: Bookkeeper in 1900 census
Avocation: Singer
Married: Dec 25, 1902, George Reuben Sawyer, Otter Creek, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Two children: Ira Raymond “Ray” Sawyer, Russell Sawyer
George Reuben Sawyer
3rd of 3 children of Ira B. Sawyer & Sarah Martha Johnson
Born: Jun 8, 1871, Toledo, Lucas Co., Ohio
Died: Mar 13, 1960 (age 88), Los Gatos, Santa Clara Co., California
Buried: Mar 15, 1960, Los Gatos Memorial Park in San Jose, Santa Clara Co., California
Occupation: Farmer, fruit grower/walnut and orange groves, cattle rancher in Hemet, California
Married: Dec 25, 1902, Mabel Clair Chatfield, Otter Creek, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Two children: Ira Raymond “Ray” Sawyer, Russell Sawyer
1. Ira Raymond “Ray” Sawyer (aka: Ray I. Sawyer)
Born: Oct 12, 1906, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., California
Died: Oct 10, 1991 (age 84), Reno, Washoe Co., Nevada; heart failure
Buried: Cremated; ashes scattered along Mt. Rose Highway in Reno
Married: mid 1930s: Virginia Lee Leslie, Texas
One child: William Weston Leslie “Bill” Sawyer
2. Russell Sawyer
Born: Jun 8, 1918, Hemet, Riverside Co., California
Died: Jun 9, 1918, Hemet, Riverside Co., California
Buried: San Jacinto Cemetery in San Jacinto, Riverside Co., California
Timeline and Records
Nine children of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. & Mary Elizabeth Morrow:
1. Della Chatfield
1872 – 1919 (m. Elmer Ellsworth Chatfield)
2. Ora Lovina Chatfield
1873 – 1936 (m. Charles Elliot Shaw)
3. Clark Samuel Chatfield, Jr.
1876 – 1944 (m.1 Ida Ernestine Hyatt, m.2 Madge Rosa)
4. Arthur William Chatfield
1878 – 1959 (m. Ada B. Miller)
5. Willard James Chatfield
1880 – 1900
6. Mabel Clair Chatfield
1883 – 1960 (m. George Reuben Sawyer)
7. Jacquelin(e) Chatfield
1886 – 1964 (m. James Frederick Mallon)
8. Levi Tomlinson “Lee” Chatfield
1889 – 1949 (m. Martha W. Banning)
9. Marjorie Emma Chatfield
1893 – 1983 (m. Thomas Mitchel Tuck)
Three children of Ira B. Sawyer & Sarah Martha Johnson:
1. William Willis Sawyer
1862 – 1935 (m. Caroline Isora “Carrie” Arnold)
2. Emma J. Sawyer
1864 – 1904 (m.1 Henry Edler, m.2 Amos Adelbert Dow)
3. George Reuben Sawyer
1871 – 1960 (m. Mabel Clair Chatfield)
Oct 12, 1883: Birth of Mabel Clair Chatfield, 6th child Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. & Mary Elizabeth Morrow, in Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado
Oct 13, 1883: Rocky Mountain Sun, Aspen, Pitkin Co., Colorado (pg 2):
Mrs. C.S. Chatfield presented Mr. Chatfield with a fine baby girl yesterday morning.
Jun 1, 1885: State Census for Pitkin Co., Colorado: (preprinted Jun 1, 1885) (Clark Samuel)
Chatfield, C.: age 45, married, ranchman, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
Mary: age 35, wife, keeps house, born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother born Illinois
Ida: age 19, daughter, at school, born Illinois, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
Dell: age 13, daughter, at school, born Nebraska, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
Geo: age 11, son, at school, born Nebraska, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois (Ora, dau)
Clark S.: age 9, son, at school, born Nebraska, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
A: age 7, son, at school, born Nebraska, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois (Arthur)
Willard: age 4, son, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
Mabel: age 1, daughter, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
Note: Census year begins Jun 1, 1884 and ends May 31, 1885, so not known actual date census was taken.
Note: The name entry after Dell cannot be read on the actual record and was transcribed from Ora to Geo—so was mistakenly assumed a boy.
Jun 10, 1899: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 1):
Commencement Exercises, Ninth Grade, Basalt Union High School, at I.O.O.F. Hall.
Our citizens were treated to a real literary treat at the hall last Saturday evening. The graduating exercises were all that the most sanguine hand anticipated… Miss Mable Chatfield in her oration “Justice May Sleep but Never Dies,” endeavored to show the pessimist that he was narrowly considering man and his conditions. Slavery, prejudice and jealousy may work hardships to humanity, but it is only a temporary cloud, and soon vanishes. She gave food for hope; permitted her hearer to carry away higher ideals of life.
Note: Mabel Chatfield is second from right in back row
Photo source: BASALT: Colorado Midland Town by Clarence L. Danielson and Ralph W. Danielson
Jun 8, 1900: Federal Census for Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado:
Chatfield, C.S.: head, born Jan 1839, age 61, married 30 years, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, merchandise store
Mary E.: wife, born Sep 1841, age 58, married 30 years, 10 children 8 living, (born 1849) born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother born Illinois
Arthur: son, born Aug 1878, age 21, born Nebraska, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois, R.R. (railroad) laborer
Mabel: daughter, born Oct 1883, age 16, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois, Book Keeper
Jacqueline: daughter, born Feb 1886, age 14, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
Levi: son, born Sep 1888, age 11, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
Margaret: daughter, born Nov 1893, age 6, born Colorado, father born Ohio, mother born Illinois
Note: Mary Elizabeth (Morrow) Chatfield states she had 10 children, 8 living: (Ida was not her birth child). Infant died after Jul 1870, Willard died May 1900, Clark, Della, and Ora are no longer living in the household. All offspring not present, but accounted for.
Jun 30, 1900: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Epworth League Items.
The Epworth League of the Basalt M.E. church, at its regular business meeting on Thursday evening, held its semi-annual election of officers as follows:
Secretary—Miss Mabel Chatfield (among a list of others mentioned)
The League has decided to give a general social at a very early date, inviting everyone in to have a good time.
Note: Mabel is age 16
Jul 14, 1900: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Given under the auspices of Choir M.E. Church, Basalt, Colo., July 15th, 1900
Miss Clara Denton—Organist.
8. Ladies Quartette: “Nearer My God to Thee.”
Miss Chatfield, Misses Willits and Mrs. Denton
12. Duet: “Lead Me Savior.”
Misses Willits and Chatfield
14. Ladies Quartette: “Where Would I be?”
Miss Chatfield, Misses Willits and Mrs. Denton
Jul 20, 1900: Homestead Record, for 160 acres to George Sawyer (age 29), State of Wyoming:

Wyoming Homestead record, George Sawyer, Jul 20, 1900
Sep 1, 1900: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
One of the pleasing features of the services at Basalt M.E. church last Sunday evening was a solo sweetly rendered by Miss Mabel Chatfield.
Nov 2, 1900: Wyoming Tribune, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Wyoming (pg 4):
The following leases for school lands have been allowed by the state land board. To each of the following six hundred and forty acres each: … G.R. Sawyer of Cedar.
Note: George Reuben Sawyer.
Jan 5, 1901: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Emma Pencilings.
The horse driven by Miss Chatfield ran away at this place Wednesday, throwing the Misses Chatfield and Bancroft out. Fortunately they escaped without injury.
Note: Miss Chatfield is one of Clark S. Chatfield’s daughters, either Mabel Chatfield (age 18) or Jacqueline (age 15).
Feb 2, 1901: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
The El Jebel literary society met on last Thursday evening, and an interesting program was rendered, among which was a recitation by Jacqueline Chatfield, and a song by Mabel Chatfield, both of Basalt.
Feb 16, 1901: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Messrs. James and Ed Mallon, and the Misses Mabel Chatfield and Nixey Willey took in the band concert and oyster supper at Carbondale last Friday night.
circa 1901: Photo of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. and family:

Clark Chatfield Sr. family probably in Basalt, Eagle County, Colorado, circa 1901
PHOTO left to right: Ora, Arthur w/hat in hand and wife Ada (Miller), Levi/Lee with hat at chest, Mabel, Clark Jr., mother Mary (Morrow) and father Clark Sr. The family is standing on the tracks of the Colorado Midland Railway.
Ora (Chatfield) Shaw (age 27), Arthur Chatfield (age 22), Ada (Miller) Chatfield (age 22), Levi Chatfield (age 11), Mabel Chatfield (age 18), Clark S. Chatfield, Jr. (age 24), Mary (Morrow) Chatfield (age 51), Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. (age 62)
Ora, married to Charles Elliott Shaw in 1898, is living in Big Horn Co., Wyoming, is home for a visit
Clark Samuel, Jr. & Ida Hyatt married Apr 7, 1899; live in Hyattville, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Arthur & Ada B. Miller married Dec 7, 1900 and live in Basalt
Children not pictured:
Della married Elmer Sep 18, 1892; they live in Spring Creek, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Willard died May 4, 1900 in Basalt
Jacquelin is about 15 years of age at this time
Margaret “Marjorie” is 8 years of age
Mar 2, 1901: Glenwood Post, Glenwood Springs, Garfield Co. Colorado (pg 8):
On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Chatfield gave a farewell party for their daughter, Mabel, and Mr. and Mrs. Shaw who are returning to Wyoming.
Note: Mabel is age 18.
Note: Mabel’s sister, Ora Lavina (Chatfield) Shaw and Charles Elliott Shaw
Jul 12, 1902: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Moving Picture
The Misses Mable and Jacqueline Chatfield gave a cobweb party on Tuesday evening and a very pleasant time is reported by all who attended. Music and wit abounded.
Those present were: Dr. Gill and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sampsel, Mrs. Chatfield, Miss Haell, Helen Gill, the Misses Chatfield and Mrs. Ruland. The Mssrs. Mallon, Norstrom, Lapham, Schmeuser and Levi Chatfield.
Oct 4, 1902: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Miss Mabel Chatfield expects to leave for Wyoming shortly.
Dec 25, 1902, Marriage of Mabel Clair Chatfield and George Reuben Sawyer in Otter Creek, Big Horn Co., Wyoming. Her older sisters Della (married to their cousin Elmer Chatfield in 1893) and Ora (married to Charles Elliott Shaw in 1898) are residing in the nearby town of Cedar in the Big Horns.
Their marriage record gives the date of marriage as Dec 25, 1902; Dec 17th is the date of their wedding license. ID#384942.
Note: Mabel is 19, George is 31.
Jan 3, 1903: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Word was received here this week of the marriage of Miss Mable Chatfield of this place to Mr. Geo. Sawyer of Big Horn Basin, Wyo. Miss Chatfield has many friends in Basalt who join with the Journal in extending best wishes for a happy and prosperous journey through life.
1901-1902: Cedar is a small town and post office in Big Horn Co., Wyoming, 46 miles southeast from Basin where stock raising is the leading industry. The population of ten includes family members Elmer Chatfield, George Reuben Sawyer, and Charles Elliott Shaw:
Chatfield Elmer, stockman (wife, Della Chatfield)
Sawyer G R, stockman (George Reuben Sawyer, wife, Mabel Clair Chatfield)
Shaw C E, stockman (Charles Elliot Shaw, wife, Ora Lavina Chatfield)
1903: Progressive Men of Wyoming:
Ira B. Sawyer
The young manhood of Ira B. Sawyer, of near Bigtrails, Wyoming was darkened by the awful shadow of our Civil War. In that sanguinary contest he bore his part bravely yet wearing the marks of its burden in wounds received on hard-fought fields, where nothing seemed so cheap as human life. But since the return of peace he has borne his part as bravely in its bloodless contests as ever he did in the presence of a valiant foe. He was born in Ohio, on June 26, 1840 the son of Reuben and Rizpah (Dolson) Sawyer, natives of Virginia and early settlers in Ohio. There he remained having the usual experience of country boys of his time and station until May 25, 1861, when he enlisted in Battery F., First Michigan Light Artillery in defense of the Union. He served in that command four years three months and eight days, Participating in many of the most sanguinary battles of the war. He was with Sherman on his celebrated march to the sea, was wounded at Atlanta and also at Lookout Mountain. After his discharge at the close of the war he lived for a short time in Chicago, then came to Nebraska, and locating in the western part of the state took up a homestead near Kimball, at that time the far frontier being hundreds of miles from a railroad and many more from a close and populous civilization. In the wild life he there encountered he found contentment in the conviction that his duty was well performed and safety in the force and resoluteness of his spirit. He remained there until 1893, engaged in raising stock and farming then came to Wyoming and in partnership with his son George, continued the enterprise on desert land, which they took up for the purpose and in a good state of improvement both as to building and cultivation. It is one of the desirable homes of this section, comprising 540 acres having sufficient variety in altitude and soil for the best results in the stockgrowing operations in which they are engaged. They have 200 graded cattle and a band of fine horses and their numbers are continually increasing as their farm is steadily advancing in value. Mr. Sawyer was married on May 16, 1860 to Miss Sarah Johnson, a native of Ohio. They have three children, William W., a resident of Illinois; Emma the wife of Amos Dow, of Toledo, Ohio; George, residing in Bighorn County, this state.
Source: Progressive Men of Wyoming, A.W. Bowen & Co., Chicago, Illinois, 1903
Note: Ira B. Sawyer is the son of Reuben and Rizpah Sawyer, father of William Willis Sawyer, Emma (Sawyer) Dow and George Reuben Sawyer.
Jun 27, 1905: Wyoming Semi-Weekly Tribune, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Wyoming (pg 7):
Ten Sleep News
Mrs. C.E. Shaw and son, Elliott, were guests at the Joe Henry home last week.
Mrs. C.E. Shaw visited with her sister, Mrs. George Sawyer, Thursday of this week.
Mrs. George Sawyer came down from Otter Creek Saturday and spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. C.E. Shaw. Mrs. Sawyer sang a very pretty solo at the Methodist church Sunday evening. She will be sadly missed in our social and church circles, where she has been a general favorite.
Jul 7, 1905: Wyoming Tribune, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Wyoming (pg 2):
George Sawyer’s sister, Mrs. Dow, arrived from the east last week and will be the guest of her brother and parents for a time.
Jul 11, 1905: Wyoming Semi-Weekly Tribune, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Wyoming (pg 3):
Ten Sleep News
George Sawyer’s sister, Mrs. Dow, arrived from the east last week and will be the guest of her brother and parents for a time.
Sep 11, 1905: Wyoming Tribune, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Wyoming (pg 5):
George Sawyer and his father have sold their cattle and ranch and will move this week to Santa Barbara, Cal. They go via Portland and will enjoy the Lewis and Clarke exposition for a few days. The good wishes of the entire community follow these good people to their new home.
Sep 15, 1905: Wyoming Semi-Weekly Tribune, Cheyenne, Laramie Co., Wyoming (pg 3):
Ten Sleep News
George Sawyer and his father have sold their cattle and ranch and will move this week to Santa Barbara, Cal. They go via Portland and will enjoy the Lewis and Clarke exposition for a few days. The good wishes of the entire community follow these good people to their new home.
Sep/Oct 1905: Mabel Claire (Chatfield) and her husband George Reuben Sawyer, leave Wyoming and move to California
Mar 6, 1906: Death of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. (age 67), father of Mabel, in Princeton, Colusa Co., California of Bright’s disease and acute uremia. Clark had been staying for some months with his daughter, Jacquelin (Chatfield) Mallon.
Oct 12, 1906: Birth of Ira Raymond “Ray” Sawyer, 1st of 2 children of Mabel Clair Chatfield and George Reuben Sawyer, in Hemet, Riverside Co., California. The boy is named after his grandfather, Ira B. Sawyer.
Mar 10, 1910: Death of Sarah Martha (Johnson) Sawyer, (age 67) mother of George Reuben Sawyer, in Hemet, Riverside Co., California
Apr 17, 1910: Federal Census for Hemet Township, Riverside Co. California:
Lawyer, George R.: Head, age 37, Married 1 time, married 7 years, born Ohio, father born Ohio,
mother born Ohio, Farmer on general farm
Mable C.: Wife, age 26, Married 1 time, married for 7 years, 1 child born, 1 child living,
born Colorado, father born Illinois, mother born Missouri
Ira R: Son, age 3, born California, father born Ohio, mother born Colorado
Ira B.: Father, age 69, born Ohio, father born Vermont, mother born Kentucky, own income
Note: Sawyer is misspelled as Lawyer
1917: City Directory for Hemet, Riverside Co., California:
Sawyer Geo R (Mabel C) rancher ($2290)
Sawyer Ira B rancher h Park av sw cor Menlo (father of George Sawyer)
Jun 8, 1918: Birth of Russell Sawyer, 2nd 2 children of Mabel Clair Chatfield and George Reuben Sawyer, in Hemet, Riverside Co., California
Jun 9, 1918: Death of Russell Sawyer, at a day old, in Hemet, Riverside Co., California
Jun 10, 1918: Burial of Russell Sawyer, in the San Jacinto Cemetery in San Jacinto, Riverside Co., California. He has no gravesite marker.
Feb 4 & 5, 1920: Federal Census for Hemet Township, Riverside Co., California:
Sawyer, George R.: Head, age 47, Married, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, farm, fruit grower
Mabel: Wife, age 36, Married, born Colorado, father born Colorado, mother born Colorado
Ira R.: Son, age 13, born California, father born Ohio, mother born Colorado
Jun 18, 1920, Death of Ira B. Sawyer (age 79), son of Reuben Sawyer & Rizpah Dolson and the father of George Sawyer, in Los Angeles Co., California, of heart trouble.
Jun 25, 1920: The Hemet News, Hemet, Los Angeles Co., California (pg 1):
Obituary for Ira B. Sawyer:
Ira B. Sawyer: The Progressive Men of the State of Wyoming:
The young manhood of Ira B. Sawyer, of near Bigtrails, Wyoming was darkened by the awful shadow of our Civil War. In that sanguinary contest he bore his part bravely yet wearing the marks of its burden in wounds received on hard-fought fields, where nothing seemed so cheap as human life. But since the return of peace he has borne his part as bravely in its bloodless contests as ever he did in the presence of a valiant foe. He was born in Ohio, on June 26, 1840 the son of Reuben and Rizpah (Dolson) Sawyer, natives of Virginia and early settlers in Ohio. There he remained having the usual experience of country boys of his time and station until May 25, 1861, when he enlisted in Battery F., First Michigan Light Artillery in defense of the Union. He served in that command four years three months and eight days, Participating in many of the most sanguinary battles of the war. He was with Sherman on his celebrated march to the sea, was wounded at Atlanta and also at Lookout Mountain. After his discharge at the close of the war he lived for a short time in Chicago, then came to Nebraska, and locating in the western part of the state took up a homestead near Kimball, at that time the far frontier being hundreds of miles from a railroad and many more from a close and populous civilization. In the wild life he there encountered he found contentment in the conviction that his duty was well performed and safety in the force and resoluteness of his spirit. He remained there until 1893, engaged in raising stock and farming then came to Wyoming and in partnership with his son George, continued the enterprise on desert land, which they took up for the purpose and in a good state of improvement both as to building and cultivation. It is one of the desirable homes of this section, comprising 540 acres having sufficient variety in altitude and soil for the best results in the stockgrowing operations in which they are engaged. They have 200 graded cattle and a band of fine horses and their numbers are continually increasing as their farm is steadily advancing in value. Mr. Sawyer was married on May 16, 1860 to Miss Sarah Johnson, a native of Ohio. They have three children, William W., a resident of Illinois; Emma the wife of Amos Dow, of Toledo, Ohio; George, residing in Bighorn County, this state.
The parents of George Reuben Sawyer, Ira B. Sawyer & Sarah Martha Johnson are buried together in the San Jacinto Valley Cemetery in San Jacinto, Riverside Co., California.
Apr 3, 1922: Death of Mary Elizabeth (Morrow) Chatfield (age 72), wife of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. and mother of Mabel, at her home on Lawton Street in Oakland, Alameda Co., California; of chronic nephritis.
Apr 9 & 10, 1930: Federal Census for Hemet Township, Riverside Co., California:
Sawyer, George R.: Head, age 58, Married, at age 31, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Pennsylvania; farmer, fruit farm
Mabel C.: Wife, age 46, Married, at age 19, born Colorado, father born Illinois, mother born Missouri

Geraldine Hornburg, Beverly Sproul, Barbara Bodan, Charlotte Rosenberry, Elmer Sproul holding Emerson Bodan, Mabel Chatfield, with the Sweeneys
Above photo: Mabel Chatfield (center with white hat) along with several Chatfield family members and the Harry Sweeny family in Ten Sleep, Big Horn Co., Wyoming around the early 1930s.

Elmer Chatfield, George and Mabel (Chatfield) Sawyer, circa 1935
Photo, Circa 1935: Elmer Chatfield (brother of Mabel, on left) with George & Mabel Sawyer, taken in the Hot Springs Park in Thermopolis, Wyoming, while they were back visiting Elmer and family.
Apr 5, 1940: Federal Census for Hemet Township, Riverside Co., California:
Sawyer, George R.: male, white, head, age 68, born Ohio, working on own account, elementary school 7th grade
Mabel C: female, white, married, wife, age 57, born Colorado, high school 1 year
Mar 5, 1960: Death of Mabel Claire (Chatfield) Sawyer (age 76), in Los Gatos, Santa Clara Co., California
Mar 7, 1960: San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., California:
Deaths, Funerals in Santa Clara Valley
Sawyer—in Los Gatos, March 5, 1960, Mabel Clair Sawyer, beloved wife of George R. Sawyer of Los Gatos; beloved mother of Ira Ray Sawyer of Stateline, Calif.; dear sister of Marjorie Tuck of Berkeley; Mrs. Jacquelyn Mallon of Oakland; grandmother of William Sawyer of Stateline. A native of Colorado.
Private funeral service Tuesday, March 8, at 2:30 p.m. at the Chapel of the Hills Mortuary.
Mar 13, 1960: Death of George Reuben Sawyer (age 88), one week after his wife, in Los Gatos, Santa Clara Co., California. They are both buried at the Los Gatos Memorial Park (Evergreen Garden) in Los Gatos.
Mar 15, 1960: San Jose Mercury News, San Jose, Santa Clara Co., California:
Deaths, Funerals in Santa Clara Valley
Sawyer—in Los Gatos, March 13, 1960, George R. Sawyer, husband of the late Mabel C. Sawyer. Father of Ira Ray Sawyer of Tahoe, Calif. Grandfather of William Sawyer. A native of Ohio, age 88 years.
Funeral services Tuesday, March 15th, 1960 at 1:00 p.m. at the Chapel of the Hills Mortuary
2020. Catherine (Clemens) Sevenau.
Maggie Bafalon says
So many interesting turns of phrases in these newspaper(?) clippings. I still think my favorite is this one: “Mary: age 35, wife, keeps house”
—— how far we’ve come! Maggie
Catherine Sevenau says
That was from a census record, and how each answered the questions on the form.