Arthur William “Art” Chatfield
4th of 9 children of Clark S. Chatfield, Sr. & Mary Elizabeth Morrow
Born: Aug 4, 1878, near Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska
Died: Mar 17, 1959 (age 80), San Rafael, Marin Co., California; heart attack
Buried: Mar 19, 1959, Colusa Cemetery in Colusa, Colusa Co., California
Occupation: Railroad day laborer, Colorado Midland Railroad fireman, rice farmer, rancher in charge of rice irrigation for I.G. Zumwalt
Married: Nov 7, 1900, Ada Avis Isabelle Helen Vivian Leslie BeBe Miller, Aspen, Pitkin Co., Colorado
Three children: Iris Minola Chatfield, Arthur Leslie Chatfield, Raymond Sterling Chatfield
Ada Avis Isabelle Helen Vivian Leslie BeBe Miller
3rd of 3 children of Leslie Henry Miller & Frances Juliette “Frankie” Powers
Born: Apr 7, 1877, Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois
Died: Mar 21, 1948 (age 70), Vallejo, Solano Co., California; stomach and liver cancer
Buried: Mar 23, 1948, Colusa Cemetery in Colusa, Colusa Co., California
Married: Nov 7, 1900, Arthur William Chatfield, Aspen, Pitkin Co., Colorado
Three children: Iris Minola Chatfield, Arthur Leslie Chatfield, Raymond Sterling Chatfield
1. Iris Minola Aloha Thyra Chatfield
Born: Aug 27, 1902, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado
Died: May 26, 1975 (age 72), Montague, Siskiyou Co., California; emphysema
Buried: Little Shasta Cemetery in Montagu, Siskiyou Co., California
Married (1): Jul 11, 1918, Dewey Louis Cade, Maxwell, Colusa Co., California
Divorced: 1920
One child: Iris Yvonne Isabel “Bonnie” Cade (raised as Yvonne Burns and Yvonne Chatfield)
Married (2): Jun 29, 1923, Jack Robert Burns, Woodland, Yolo Co., California
Separated: 1924
Divorced filed: Jan 1929
Married (3): aft 1930, Luther Cheatham Greer, Jr. (possibly common-law)
2. Arthur Leslie “Les” Chatfield, Sr.
Born: Jul 1, 1904, Ten Sleep, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Died: Apr 18, 1972 (age 67), Vallejo, Solano Co., California; aortic aneurysm
Buried: Skyview Memorial Lawn, Vallejo, Solano Co., California
Married: Feb 18, 1927, Irene Gertrude Alexandria Wilson, Colusa Co., California
Six children: Arthur Leslie Chatfield, Stanford Merwyn Chatfield, Donald LaVerne Chatfield, Vernon DeVere Chatfield, Garry Douglas Chatfield, Avis Elaine Chatfield (also raised Jerry Ernest Cunningham (Irene’s sister’s son)
3. Raymond Sterling “LeRoy” Chatfield
Born: May 15, 1914, Emma (on homestead ranch), Pitkin Co., Colorado
Died: Jan 30, 1970, (age 55) Sacramento, Sacramento Co., California; pancreatic cancer
Buried: St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetry in Sacramento, Sacramento Co., California
Married: Jul 2, 1933, Lucille Elizabeth LaGrande, Maxwell, Colusa Co., California
Two children: LeRoy Joseph Chatfield, Charles Carlton Chatfield
Timeline and Records
Nine children of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. & Mary Elizabeth Morrow:
1. Della Chatfield
1872 – 1919 (m. Elmer Ellsworth Chatfield)
2. Ora Lovina Chatfield
1873 – 1936 (m. Charles Elliot Shaw)
3. Clark Samuel Chatfield, Jr.
1876 – 1944 (m.1. Ida Ernestine Hyatt, m.2. Madge Rosa)
4. Arthur William Chatfield
1878 – 1959 (m. Ada B. Miller)
5. Willard James Chatfield
1880 – 1900
6. Mabel Clair Chatfield
1883 – 1960 (m. George Reuben Sawyer)
7. Jacquelin(e) Chatfield
1886 – 1964 (m. James Frederick Mallon)
8. Levi Tomlinson “Lee” Chatfield
1889 – 1949 (m. Martha W. Banning)
9. Marjorie Emma Chatfield
1893 – 1983 (m. Thomas Mitchel Tuck)
Three children of Leslie Henry Miller & Frances Juliette “Frankie” Powers:
1. Leslie Douglas Miller
1873 – 1932 (m. Anna Troy)
2. Wilbur Frank Miller
1875 – 1949 (m. Mary Catherine McLaughlin)
3. Ada B. Miller
1877 – 1948 (m. Arthur William Chatfield)
Aug 7, 1877: Birth of Ada Avis Isabelle Helen Vivian Leslie BeBe Miller, 3rd of 3 children of Leslie Henry Miller & Frances Juliette “Frankie” Powers, in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois
Note: Premature and very tiny when born, Ada was incubated in a small box on an open oven door; she was given so many names as they did not think she was going to live.
1877 Cook County, Illinois, Birth Certificate Index for Ada B. Miller:
Name: Miller
Birth Date: 7 Apr 1877
Birth Place: Chicago, Cook, Illinois
Ethnicity: American
Gender: Female
Race: White
Father: Leslie Miller
Mother: Frankie P Powers
Aug 4, 1878: Birth of Arthur William Chatfield, 4th child of Clark Samuel Chatfield & Mary Elizabeth Morrow, near Omaha, Douglas Co., Nebraska.
Aug 26, 1899: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 1):
Art Chatfield has resumed his old position at the round house, and this fact prevents his accompanying the camping party to Rock creek.
A jolly camping party, consisting of Misses Pearl and Irene Willits, Miss Dyer, and Mrs. May Clarke, Willard Chatfield and W.J. Shanks, left today for Hot Springs on Rock Creek.
Mar 17, 1900: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 1):
…C.S. Chatfield has purchased and is now occupying the C.S. Bancroft residence on High Street, adjoining the post-office building. “Art” Chatfield has also bought the Hazelton property in the rear of the Bancroft property; this will make C.S. and son a very desirable property.
May 12, 1900: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
The changeable weather of the past six weeks has affected a great many people in this vicinity, more or less severely. Among those who are unwell are …Arthur Chatfield and …C.S. Chatfield.
May 19, 1900: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
C.S. Chatfield is getting around again after a siege of the pneumonia.
Arthur Chatfield is out and around again after a spell of sickness.
Jun 28, 1900: Eagle County Blade, Red Bluff, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
Miss Ada Miller, of Chicago, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Coffin.
Note: Ada is the future wife of Arthur Chatfield
Nov 7, 1900: Marriage of Arthur William Chatfield and Ada B. Miller in Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado.
Nov 9, 1900: Aspen Tribune, Aspen, Pitkin Co., Colorado (pg 4):
Miss Ada Miller of Chicago and Arthur Chatfield were united in marriage night before last at Basalt, the Methodist minister at that place officiating. Miss Miller is a niece to Mr. Harry Coffin, brakeman on the Aspen Basalt plug. Mr. Chatfield is the son of C.S. Chatfield, the prominent Basalt merchant. He is at present night clerk at the Midland yards at Basalt.
Note: Arthur was age 22 and Ada was 23
circa 1901: Photo of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. and family:

Clark Chatfield Sr. family probably in Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado, circa 1901
PHOTO left to right: Ora, Arthur w/hat in hand and wife Ada (Miller), Levi/Lee with hat at chest, Mabel, Clark Jr., mother Mary (Morrow) and father Clark Sr. The family is standing on the tracks of the Colorado Midland Railway.
Ora (Chatfield) Shaw (age 27), Arthur Chatfield (age 22), Ada (Miller) Chatfield (age 22), Levi Chatfield (age 11), Mabel Chatfield (age 18), Clark S. Chatfield, Jr. (age 24), Mary (Morrow) Chatfield (age 51), Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. (age 62)
Ora, married to Charles Elliott Shaw in 1898, is living in Big Horn Co., Wyoming, and is home for a visit
Clark Samuel, Jr. & Ida Hyatt married (Apr 7, 1899); live in Hyattville, Big Horn Co., Wyoming. His wife Ida, is not pictured
Arthur & Ada B. Miller married Dec 7, 1900 and live in Basalt
Children not pictured:
Della married Elmer Sep 18, 1892; they live in Spring Creek, Big Horn Co., Wyoming. Della is due to have a child Nov 1900
Willard died May 4, 1900 in Basalt
Jacquelin is about 15 years of age at this time
Margaret “Marjorie” is 8 years of age

Art Chatfield
Mar 23, 1901: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 5):
** LOCAL **
Art Chatfield took a thirty-day lay-off, and will assist his father in the grocery business.
May 4, 1901: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 3):
** LOCAL **
Mr. Al McLean has sold his residence to Arthur Chatfield. Mr. Chatfield will take possession about the 15th.
May 11, 1901: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 5):
** LOCAL **
Mr. and Mrs. Art Chatfield moved into their new home yesterday.
Aug 7, 1902: Birth of Iris Minola Aloha Thrya Chatfield, 1st child of Arthur William Chatfield & Ada B. Miller in Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado
Jul 1, 1904: Birth of Arthur Leslie “Les” Chatfield, 2nd child of Arthur William Chatfield & Ada B. Miller in Ten Sleep, Big Horn Co., Wyoming
Mar 6, 1906: Newspaper clipping, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. C.S. Chatfield, accompanied by her son, Clark, arrived from Colorado Wednesday to be at the bedside of her husband, who is seriously ill in the Princeton home of his daughter, Mrs. J.F. Mallon.
Mar 6, 1906: Death of Clark Samuel Chatfield, Sr. (age 67), in Princeton, Colusa Co., California of Bright’s disease and acute uremia (a toxic condition resulting from kidney disease in which there is retention in the bloodstream of waste products normally excreted in the urine). Clark had been staying for some months with his daughter, Jacquelin (Chatfield) Mallon.
Feb 21, 1907: Eagle County Blade, Red Cliff, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 1):
Mr. A.W. Chatfield and family arrived Sunday from Ten Sleep, Wyo., and are at the home of Mr. Chatfield’s mother for the present. Al (Art) is well known to the old timers, as he was brought up in the Roaring Fork valley. After an absence of several years he concluded Colorado was too good to stay away from and so came to Basalt, where he will remain in the future. —Basalt Journal.
Note: Arthur and Ada’s oldest child, Iris, is age 5 (born in Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado, and their second child, Arthur (Leslie) is age not yet 3, born in Ten Sleep, Wyoming.
Apr 13, 1907: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 1):
A.W. Chatfield left for Wyoming Monday to bring back a bunch of horses which were left behind when Mr. Chatfield came to Basalt about three months ago. Levi Chatfield accompanied his brother.
May 4, 1907: Basalt Journal, Basalt, Eagle Co., Colorado (pg 1):
A.W. Chatfield and brother Levi returned Wednesday from a trip to Ten Sleep whither they went for a bunch of horses. They were 14 days on the trip coming by the way of Meeker and Rifle.
May 4, 1910: Federal Census for Emma, Pitkin Co., Colorado:
Chatfield, Arthur W.: Head, age 32, married 1 for 9 years, born Nebraska, father born Connecticut, mother born Missouri, farmer
Ada B: Wife, age 32, married 1 for 9 years, 2 children born, 2 children living, born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother born New York
Iris M.: Daughter, age 8, born Colorado, father born Nebraska, mother born Illinois
Arthur Leslie: son, age 5, born Wyoming, father born Nebraska, mother born Illinois
May 15, 1914: Birth of Raymond Sterling “LeRoy” Chatfield, 3rd child of Arthur William Chatfield & Ada B. Miller in Emma, Pitkin Co., Colorado
May 18, 1910: Steamboat Pilot, Steamboat Springs, Routt Co., Colorado (pg 7):
News of the Week Condensed for Busy Readers
Laurence Grace, who sees that the late ones are comfortably tucked in their cribs at night at the Cabin, and Arthur Chatfield, left in a one-horse power buggy this morning for the Elk river country. They went for the purpose of looking up a few secret holes wherein the speckled beauties will abound the coming season.
Aug 11, 1914: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
J.F. Mallon and son, Ed Mallon, A.W. Chatfield, Lee Chatfield and Clark Chatfield were off today on a deer slaying expedition to the wilds of the Sierras.
Mar 10, 1917: The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, Sacramento Co., California:

The Sacramento Bee, Sacramento, California Mar 10, 1917 (pg 19)
Dec 18, 1917: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
The Sunday school is making preparations for the usual Christmas exercises. Rev, J.C. Squires, Methodist Sunday school superintendent Subscriptions received at Princeton for National Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A, War Work, Friday evening. December 4, 1917: J. F. Mallon, $5O; Bank of Princeton, $20; Lee Chatfield, $10; Martha Banning, $10; Mrs. Arthur W. Chatfield, $10; Arthur Chatfield, $10; Lester Chatfield, $5; James D. Mallon $5; Minola Chatfield $5
Note: approximately 50 citizens were included on this list.
Jun 18, 1918: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
The Board of Supervisors, composed of … met yesterday in special session. The returns from the election held in the Maxwell Irrigation District were canvassed and the following officers were issued their commissions: Arthur W. Chatfield, director, Marjorie Tuck, director, Thomas Tuck, assessor, Tax-Collector and Treasurer. The bonds of each were received and accepted. There were nine votes cast in the election and the result were unanimous for each officer.
Jul 16, 1918: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Locals and Personals in About Colusa County
Miss Iris M. Chatfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Chatfield, was united by marriage to Dewey L. Cade, on Sunday, July 11, 1918, at Maxwell.
Sep 12, 1918: WWI Draft Registration for Arthur William Chatfield:
NAME: Arthur William Chatfield
ADDRESS: Maxwell, Colusa County, California
AGE: 40, born Aug 4, 1878
EMPLOYMENT: Farmer, self-employed
DESCRIPTION: Medium height, medium build, brown eyes, brown hair
May 24, 1919: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
In superior court today a case once settled by arbitration was up. A dispute between Arthur Chatfield, Bismarck Harden and Tom Tuck, partners, and a Japanese company, was submitted to decision of three men, who decided in favor of Messrs. Tuck, Chatfield and Harden The Japs would not submit to the award and went into court. Attorneys Thomas Rutledge and Frank Freeman (of Willows) represented the Americans and Attorneys A.A. King and Harold Johnson (of San Francisco) the Japs.

Jul 15, 1919: Birth of Iris Yvonne Isabel “Bonnie” Cade (raised as Yvonne Burns and Yvonne Chatfield), daughter of Iris Minola Chatfield and the first grandchild of Arthur and Ada. Iris and her husband Dewey separate in Yvonne’s early years. Yvonne is raised by her grandparents as their daughter, not knowing that Iris is actually her birth mother.
Apr 17, 1919: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
The officers of election appointed to conduct said election are: Ada B. Chatfield, Inspector. Wm. Peer, Judge. Thomas Tuck, Judge, and the polling place for said election shall be at the office of the district at the resilence of Arthur W. Chatfield on the Maxwell road, in said district. Polls will be open from ten A.M., until 4 o’clock P.M., at which time the polls will be closed. By order of the Board of Directors of Maxwell Irrigation District. THOMAS TUCK, Secretary. (apr3, 10, 17, 24)
Sep 11, 1919: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
A.W. Chatfield and son, LeRoy Chatfield, of Maxwell were in Colusa today. They returned recently accompanied by Mrs. Chatfield from a two weeks’ vacation spent at San Francisco.
Nov 15, 1919: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. Mary Chatfield and Arthur Chatfield of Maxwell are in Princeton today.
Jan 20, 1920: Federal Census for Maxwell Township, Colusa Co., California:
Chatfield, Arthur W.: Head, age 41, married 1 for 9 years, born Nebraska, father born Ohio, mother born Missouri, farmer, rice farm
Ada B: Wife, age 41, married 1 for 9 years, 2 children born, 2 children living, born Illinois, father born unknown, mother born New York
Leroy: son, age 5, born Colorado, father born Nebraska, mother born Illinois
Note: Arthur & Ada’s daughter, Iris Chatfield (age 18) is married to Dewey Cade
Arthur & Ada’s son Arthur Leslie Chatfield (age 15), is living with James & Jacquelin Mallon in Oakland (Jacquelin is Arthur’s sister)
Leroy is Raymond Sterling “LeRoy” Chatfield
Jun 7, 1920: Letter from Nellie Chatfield (age 47) to her sister Mamie Rosborough (age 33):
Chico, Calif.
June 7, 1920
My dear Sister –
I think your wind must have come here with your letter as it has been blowing hard, almost without ceasing ever since your letter came about a mo. ago; it has damaged the grass so most of it will be cut for hay & so much fruit is being blown off the trees. Our strawberries are all gone but the blackberries & raspberries are ripe now. I have canned some but with out sugar as it is only $30.00 100 lbs. – it may never be cheaper but if it isn’t I will have canned fruit for a long time. We had some cherries to eat but none to can. My garden is fine, we have had all the peas we could eat every day for about 2 …(missing sentence). There were a lot of little oranges but I see they are beginning to drop off, that is always to be expected the first year.
Yes those pictures are all good of Willard, we all think Catherine (or the girl in the dark dress) looks like you & they are fine of uncle Ed but I can’t see any resemblance to mama tho I don’t suppose I would know her now. Roy sent me some pictures a while back & I couldn’t imagine who any one was until I looked at the back. Do they ever say anything about Alice, how she is now? Willard’s baby is not doing at all well, weighed less at 1 mo. than he did at birth. I will be surprised if any babies ever come to Howard’s house. Evalyn has never been strong, nearly always under a Drs. care but she may change, you never can tell.
Yes, Leo & Iris are 3rd cousins but the Priest said that would not keep them from marrying, & Iris is perfectly willing to become a Catholic if by doing so she could get Leo, & Ada who would give two eye teeth to get him. I don’t know what Art thinks about it all but I know none of his people have any use for Ada. About 3 years ago she got to carrying on with another man something awful & no one thot Art would ever take her back but Aunt Molly (Arts’ mother) patched things up some how. Iris is getting a divorce now & I can see Leo’s sympathies are all with her, because she is certainly justified but he blames Art & Ada for it all, says they had no business letting her marry till after she was 18 at least. They all, without a single exception, think the world & all of Leo. Clark’s wife who never saw him until a year ago (he stopped by in Glenwood Springs, when they were living there, on his way home from France) says she wishes he was their son. If anything does go wrong I know none of them will blame Leo, but I’m afraid that would not excuse Leo, but I too should blame them most. But I really am not a bit worried about it (tho his father is). I do not believe Leo will ever do a dishonorable thing & no matter how much appearances were against him nor what anyone said I would not believe it unless he told me himself. For I know he would tell me the truth. Roy says Leo & Daisy have had a “split up” and things really do look like it. But I’m afraid it is too good to be true. He expects to be thru when he is in a couple of weeks but didn’t say whether he is coming home or not. Charles is coming about the 10th as everyone in the oil fields is going on strike the first of July & he don’t want to be in it as he expects to go back there to work this next winter. It is too bad Mildred got that fright in the run away, it takes a little child so long to forget a thing like that. I guess you will be glad when you get where she won’t have to ride. Maby tho she will feel better when Arline goes with her.
Gordon’s school closes but the others not until the 18th but that isn’t far off. Nellie May is sick & I am getting pretty worried about her. I am so afraid of Typhoid fever. She has been ailing for some time but she is a good deal like myself that way & will stay up & go to the last minute & when she gives up entirely & goes to bed I know she is really sick. I have been doctoring her myself & about two weeks ago I took her to a Dr. but he seemed to think she was all right, just had a bilious spell. I have Dr. her for that & unless she is better in the morning I think I should have to have the same Dr. come & see her that we had for Roy & Ina & soon.
I must close and start dinner as it is 5 o’clock & Charlie aught to be home anytime now.
Love from all, your loving sister,
Note: References in Nellie’s letter in order of appearance:
Willard: Willard “Joe” Joseph Chamberlin (age 30), younger brother of Nellie
Catherine (girl in dark dress): girlfriend of Willard Chamberlin
Uncle Ed: Emily’s brother, Adea “Ade” Adam Hoy (age 67)
Mama: Emily (Hoy) Chamberlin (age 69), mother of Nellie, living in Los Angeles
Roy: Roy Valentine Chamberlin (age 38), younger brother of Nellie
Alice: perhaps the wife of Frederick Laurence Chamberlin (age 45), brother of Nellie; Clara “Alice” (Swickard) Fenner, died in Colorado, 1928
Willard’s baby: Willard Joseph Chamberlin, Jr. (6 weeks old)
Howard: Howard Francis Chatfield (age 21), 3rd child of Charles & Nellie Chatfield
Evalyn: Evelyn Merr Wilson (age 18), wife of Howard Francis Chatfield who gave birth to her 1st child 4 days after this letter was written
Leo: Leo Willard Chatfield (age 23), 2nd child of Charles & Nellie Chatfield (on his way home from WWI)
Iris: Iris Minola Chatfield (age 17 or 18), 1st child of Arthur & Ada Chatfield
Leo & Iris are 2nd cousins; their grandfathers, I.W. Chatfield & Clark S. Chatfield, Sr. are brothers
Iris Minola (Chatfield) Cade (age 18 or 19), married to Dewey Louis Cade (age 22) (married Jul 17, 1918)
Ada: Ada B. (Miller) Chatfield (age 42), wife of Arthur William Chatfield (age 41)
Apparently, Ada is carrying on with another man while married to Art.
Aunt Molly: Mary E. (Morrow) Chatfield (age 70), wife of Clark S. Chatfield, Sr. (brother of I.W. Chatfield)
Clark’s wife: (Clark is the brother of Arthur) Clark S. Chatfield Jr. (age 44), his wife is Madge Rosa (age 27)
Daisy: girlfriend of Leo Willard Chatfield (son of Charles & Nellie)
Charles: Charles Joseph Chatfield (age 24), 1st child of Charles & Nellie Chatfield (coming home from WWI)
Mildred: Mildred Emily Rosborough (age 7), 1st child of Mamie & Herb Rosborough
Arline: Ada Arlene Rosborough (age 6), 2nd child of Mamie & Herb Rosborough
Gordon: Gordon Gregory Chatfield (age 14), 6th child of Charles & Nellie Chatfield
Nellie May: Nellie Mary Chatfield (age 17), 5th child of Charles & Nellie Chatfield
Roy: Roy Elmer Chatfield (age 19), 4th child of Charles & Nellie Chatfield
Ina: Jacqueline “Ina” Chatfield (age 7) 9th child of Charles & Nellie Chatfield
Charlie: Charles Henry Chatfield (age 49) husband of Nellie (Chamberlin) Chatfield and the cousin of Arthur Chatfield

Nellie and daughters 1918, Chico
Nellie Chatfield (writer of above letter, abt age 44) with daughters:
Nellie May, at right (abt age 15)
Verda, at left (abt age 10)
Ina, in middle (abt age 5)
Noreen “Babe” front (abt age 2)
Jul 31, 1920: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
A.W. Chatfield of Williams who had a very severe case of pneumonia was in town today. With Mrs. Chatfield and their children he is going to Alder Springs, Glenn county, to rest and recuperate.
Apr 3, 1922: Death of Mary Elizabeth (Morrow) Chatfield (age 72), mother of Arthur Chatfield, at the home of her daughter Jacqulin on Lawton Street in Oakland, Alameda Co., California; of chronic nephritis.
Apr 4, 1922: Burial of Mary (Morrow) Chatfield in the Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland, Alameda Co., California. According to census and other records, Mary was born in 1850, so her headstone may be carved in error.
Jun 15, 1924: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
First Savings Bank of Colusa vs. Arthur W. Chatfield et ux et als. Nov. 11, 1923. Notice of Pendancy of Action to foreclose mortgage dated Feb. 20th, 1920, made by Arthur W. Chatfield et ux to First Savings Bank of Colusa, and recorded on Feb. 21st 1920 in Book “34” of Mortgages, page 199, Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 in Block 52 in the town of Williams.
Apr 16, 1926: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Plantings now being made at Williams are proof of the assertion that Williams has a great future in diversified farming. Thirty acres of land south of Williams will be in sweet potatoes this year. Arthur Chatfield is planting fifty acres of cantaloupes and Persian melons on the Gibson ranch. The growers have made arrangements so that they are sure of a market for their crops. Clark Chatfield has strawberries already on the market. Beans and peas are well along. Chatfield is raising twenty acres of garden truck. He is keeping two men at work every day on the farm and has it well cultivated.
Jun 24, 1926: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. A.W. Chatfield, Jack Burns and little Yvonne Burns, motored to Stockton on Friday, returning home in the evening.
Note: Jack Burns is the 2nd husband of Iris (Chatfield) Cade. Yvonne is the daughter of Iris Chatfield and Dewey Cade and the first grandchild of Arthur and Ada. Yvonne is being raised by her grandparents.
Sep 14, 1926: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Many Williams people attended the barbecue at College City Friday, September 10th, and all had a delightful time. Among those from … Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Chatfield and children, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield and children.
Mrs. A.W. Chatfield, Leroy Chatfield and Yvonne Burns were Colusa visitors on Saturday.
Oct 19, 1926: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. A.W. Chatfield, Jack Burns and little Yvonne Burns, motored to Stockton on Friday, returning home in the evening.
Oct 19, 1926: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield, Leslie Chatfield, Leroy Chatfield, Jack Burns and little Yvonne Burns all attended the football game at Willows. Little Yvonne Burns won a two dollar prize at a local tent show on Saturday night. She won it at the Charleston contest. Leroy Chatfield won the paper cutting contest and Temple Jeffreys won the five dollar prize for the rope stunts which he did.
Feb 19, 1927: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses were issued yesterday by County Clerk T.D. Cain to Arthur Leslie Chatfield and Miss Irene Alexander Wilson.
Sep 17, 1927: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Leslie Chatfield of Colusa visited in Williams Friday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chatfield.
Jan 10, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield, Leroy Chattleld and Yvonne Burns were Maxwell visitors Saturday afternoon.
Jan 19, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. Iris Burns of Los Angeles spent Christmas at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield.
Note: Iris is the mother of Yvonne Burns
Jan 19, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
A.W. Chatfield of Williams went to Sacramento today.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chatfield visited last night at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield, at Williams.
Apr 28, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. Iris Burns of Los Angeles is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Chatfield.
Mrs. Iris Burns of Los Angeles arrived in Williams Monday evening to make an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield.
Jul 14, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. A.W. Chatfield, Mrs. Iris Burns, Leroy Chatfield and Yvonne Burns were visitors in Marysville and Colusa on Wednesday.
Aug 7, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield and son, Leroy, and granddaughter, Miss Yvonne Burns, left Williams Saturday morning for a three-weeks’ motor trip. They will go through Oregon, Wyoming. and other places of interest. They will also visit in Colorado, where they formerly lived.
Aug 28, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield and son, Leroy, and granddaughter, Yvonne Burns, returned to Williams Friday from a three-weeks’ tour of Oregon, Wyoming and their old home in Colorado. They report a delightful time.
Oct 25, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfleld. Leroy Chatfield and Yvonne Burns took in the football game in Colusa Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chatfleld.
Nov 22, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Arrangements are being made by the Princeton and Arbuckle farm centers to hold an orchard field meeting Monday. The meeting will be conducted on the Arthur Chatfield place, one mile south of Williams, beginning at 10:30 o’clock Monday morning. The meeting at Arbuckle will be held on the George Dennett ranch south of Arbuckle, beginning at 1:45 o’clock Monday afternoon. Leonard H. Day of the pomology division of the University Farm will conduct these meetings which will be for the purpose of demonstrating pruning, particularly on cots and almonds, and will furnish an opportunity for the orchardists to ask questions regarding winter pruning. The public is invited.
Dec 27, 1928: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chattield, Leroy Chatfield, little Yvonne Burns and Henry Wakeman spent Christmas day in Colusa at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chatfield
Jun 15, 1929: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. A.W. Chatfield of Colusa and granddaughter, Yvonne Burns, visited in Williams Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Josie Harlan.
Jan 7, 1930: Federal Census for Maxwell Township, Colusa Co., California:
Chatfield, Arthur: Head, age 51, age 22 when married, born Nebraska, father born Illinois mother born Kansas, foreman, general farming
Ada: Wife, age 51, age 22 when married, born Illinois, father born Illinois, mother born New York
Leroy: son, age 15, born Colorado, father born Nebraska, mother born Illinois
Yvonne: granddaughter, age 10, born California, father born United States, mother born Colorado (Yvonne Cade/Burns, daughter of Iris)
Note: Arthur William Chatfield, Sr.; Leroy is Raymond Sterling LeRoy Chatfield
Jan 7, 1930: Federal Census for Maxwell Township, Colusa Co., California:
Chatfield, Arthur L.: Head, age 25, age 22 when married, born Colorado, father born Nebraska, mother born Illinois, bookkeeper in Ins. Company
Irene: Wife, age 26, age 22 when married, born Canada/English, father born West Virginia, mother born Canada, English
Arthur L. Jr.: son, age 2 yr 9 mo, born California, father born Colorado, mother born Canada/English
Stanford M.: son, age 1 yr 4 mo, born California, father born Colorado, mother born Canada/English
Donald L.: son, age 4 months, born California, father born Colorado, mother born Canada/English
Note: Arthur William Chatfield, Jr., son of Arthur and Ada
Nov 1, 1930: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mrs. Iris Burns has returned to Santa Barbara after visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs. A.W. Chatfield.
Sep 9, 1931: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Newark Judge, Wife Honored At Party Here
In honor of their guests, Judge and Mrs. Wales Nichols of Newark, New York, Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chutfield entertained at dinner on Sunday. The occasion also was Junior Chatfield’s birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. James Mallon of Orland, Judge and Mrs. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Chatfield and sons, LeRoy Chatfield, Yvonne Burns and Mr. and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield. Judge and Mrs. Nichols left on Tuesday. They are making an extended tour of the United States land Canada.
Mar 19, 1932: Colusa Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Chatfield and children and Mrs. A.W. Chatfield drove to Orland yesterday to visit at the J.F. Mallon home.

Irene Wilson Chatfield, Ada Chatfield (Ma), Arthur Chatfield (Pop), Arthur Leslie Chatfield, Vallejo 1933-34

Chatfield family gathering in Orland, California, circa early 1930s?
Pictured from left to right:
Three at left: Jacquelin and Jim Mallon, seated, Jacquelin’s mother Madge Chatfield
Center group standing: Arthur W. Chatfield, James DeVere Mallon (son), girl is Neva Mallon (daughter)
Center group sitting: Clark S. Chatfield, Jr. and Ada B. (Miller) Chatfield (wife of Arthur)
Group of four at right: Lee T. Chatfield w/cup in hand, two unidentified men, young girl is Yvonne Cade/Burns/Chatfield
May 2, 1940: Federal Census for Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
Chatfield, Art: head, age 62, born Nebraska, laborer in farming
Ada: wife, age 51, born Illinois
1930-1944: Voter Registrations, Gerber No. 1 Precinct, Tehama Co., California (pg 48):
Chatfield, Arthur W. Merchant, Gerber Rep
1930-1944: Voter Registrations, Gerber No. 1 Precinct, Tehama Co., California (pg 40):
Chatfield, Arthur W. Laborer, Gerber Rep
1942: U.S. WWII Draft Registration Card:
NAME: Arthur William Chatfield
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: 157 Oak St. Colusa, California
PLACE OF BIRTH: Smith Center, Kansas
DATE OF BIRTH: Aug 4, 1878
PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: Colusa, Colusa County, California
RESIDENCE: Colusa, California
SIGNED: A.W. Chatfield
Note: Arthur’s census records reflect he was born in Nebraska (and one in Colorado). Not known why he states he was born in Smith Center, Smith Co. Kansas, nor were his siblings or parents born in Kansas.
circa 1940s: Photo of Arthur, daughter Iris (born 1901), Ada:

Arthur, daughter Iris (born 1901), Ada, circa 1940s
Mar 21, 1948: Death of Ada B. (Miller) Chatfield (age 70) of stomach and liver cancer, in Vallejo, Solano Co., California. Ada is buried in the Colusa Cemetery in Colusa, Colusa Co., California.
Mar 22, 1948: newspaper obituary:
After a long illness, Mrs. Ada B. Chatfield, 70, died yesterday at her home, 401 Cypress avenue. Services will be held tomorrow at J.D. McNary’s chapel in Colusa, with interment at the family plot in Colusa cemetery.
Mrs. Chatfield, a resident of Vallejo for the last four years, is survived by her husband, Arthur W. Chatfield; two sons, Arthur L. of Vallejo and R. Leroy Chatfield of Colusa; two daughters, Mrs. Luther Greer of San Raphael, and Mrs. W.F. Brown, Yuba City, and a brother, W.F. Miller, Long Beach. She is a native of Chicago, Ill.
1949: Photo of Arthur Chatfield:

Arthur Chatfield, 1949
Mar 17, 1959: Death of Arthur William “Art” Chatfield (age 80) of a heart attack, in San Rafael, Marin Co., California
Arthur is buried in the Colusa Cemetery next to his wife Ada, and their grandson, Stanford Merwyn Chatfield, son of Arthur Leslie Chatfield and Irene Gertrude Wilson
Mar 17, 1959: Colusa Sun Herald, Colusa, Colusa Co., California:
A.W. Chatfield Taken By Death
Funeral services are pending at McNary Memorial Chapel here for Arthur W. Chatfield, former Colusa County resident who died this morning in San Rafael.
Chatfield moved to San Rafael a few years ago to make his home with his daughter, Iris. Chatfield farmed here for many years and before his retirement was employed by the I.G. Zumwalt Company.
His wife, Ada B., died in 1948. The survivors are his sons, Arthur (Les) Chatfield of Vallejo and Leroy Chatfield of Sacramento, and daughter, Mrs. Iris Greer of San Rafael and Mrs. Yvonne Brown of Marysville.
California Death Index:
NAME: Chatfield, Arthur William
SOCIAL SECURITY#: 000-000-1756
SEX: Male
BIRTH DATE: 4 Aug 1878
DEATH DATE: 17 Mar 1959
Note: Record states Arthur William Chatfield was born in Kansas (incorrect, born Nebraska)
Ada B. Miller Line
Leslie Henry Miller
6th of 6 children of James Miller & Isabella McKenzie
Born: Jan 24, 1848, Illinois
Died: Oct 24, 1923, (age 75 rs. 9 mos) Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California; cerebral hemorrhage and apoplexy
Buried: Oct 26, 1923, Sunnyside Cemetery in Long Beach, Los Angeles Co., California
Occupation: Chicago City Clerk employee, farmer in Colorado, rancher
Married: Dec 23, 1871, Frances Juliette “Frankie” Powers, Mahaska Co., Illinois
Note: Leslie is a widow in 1920, Pitkin Co., Colorado census
Three children, Leslie Douglas Miller, Wilbur Frank Miller, Ada B. Miller
Frances Juliette “Frankie” Powers
2nd of 4 children of Dr. Thomas Delmont Powers & Hannah Elisa Hakes
Born: Jul 1850 New York
Died: aft 1910 Colorado census and bef 1920 Colorado census
Buried: unknown
Occupation: Farmer, artist, author
Married: Dec 23, 1871, Leslie Henry Miller, Mahaska Co., Illinois
Three children, Leslie Douglas Miller, Wilbur Frank Miller, Ada B. Miller
Three children:
1. Leslie Douglas Miller
1873 – 1932
2. Wilbur Frank Miller
1875 – 1949
3. Ada B. Miller
1877 – 1948
2020. Catherine (Clemens) Sevenau.