Marjorie Elva Kellogg
2nd of 2 children of Milo Bailey Kellogg & Elvira Miranda “Vira” Church
Born: Aug 28, 1879, Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kansas
Died: May 31, 1965 (age 85), Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
Buried: Jun 1965: West Hills Memorial Park in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
Married (1): Sep 16, 1899, Arthur Lincoln Smith, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Divorced: 1908
Four children: Lucy Elvira Smith, Perry M. Smith (twin), Roscoe K. Smith (twin), Carrie Marie Smith
Married (2): Emory/Enos Hamlin (may not have married)
Two children: Donald Hamlin (twin), Dorothy Hamlin (twin)
Married (3): Soren Hansen Sorensen, Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
One child: Robert Edward Sorensen
(m1): Arthur Lincoln Smith
Son of Alvin A. Smith & Lucy Prindle
Born: Jun 27, 1864, Gainesville, Wyoming Co., New York
Died: Nov 23, 1949, Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan
Buried: Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Occupation: Shearer of wool, foreman in woolen mill, peach farmer
Married: Sep 16, 1899, Marjorie Elva Kellogg, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Divorced: 1908
Four children: Lucy Elvira Smith, Perry M. Smith (twin), Roscoe K. Smith (twin), Carrie Marie Smith
1. Lucy Elvira Smith
Born: Jun 30, 1900, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Died: Sep 11, 1975 (age 75), Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington; liver cancer
Sep 15, 1975: Cremated at West Hills Memorial Cemetery in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington; ashes spread in the family orchard
Married: Jun 30, 1921, Houk Erbine Newman, Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington
Three children: Francis Erbine “Frank” Newman, Dorothy Eleanor Newman, David G. “Dave” Newman
1. Francis Erbine “Frank” Newman
2. Dorothy Eleanor Newman
3. David G. “Dave” Newman
2. Perry M. Smith (twin)
Born: Jul 31, 1901, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Died: Sep 19, 1901 (age 1 month, 21 days), Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan; cholera infantum
Buried: Riverside Cemetery, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
3. Roscoe K. Smith (twin)
Born: Jul 31, 1901, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Died: Sep 27, 1901 (age 1 month, 26 days), Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan; cholera infantum
Buried: Riverside Cemetery, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
4. Carrie Marie Smith
Born: Apr 30, 1903, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan Born: (Apr 30 or Aug 6, 1903)
Died: Jan 1, 1972 (age 69), Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington; auto accident
Buried: Jan 5, 1972, West Hills Memorial in Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington
Married: Dec 31, 1926, Mark Sanders (born Peter Emanuel Sandstrom), Ellensburg, Kittitas Co., Washington
Three children: Gail Weston Sanders, Helen M. Sanders, Richard Mark “Dick” Sanders
1. Gail Weston Sanders (male)
2. Helen Marie Sanders
3. Richard Mark “Dick” Sanders
(2nd union): Emory/Enos Hamlin (probably not married)
Two children: Donald Hamlin (twin) aka: Donald Celsus Belt, Dorothy Hamlin (twin) aka: Dorothy Belt
Note: the twins were adopted at 7 months by Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt
1. Donald Hamlin (twin), aka Donald Census Belt
2. Dorothy Hamlin (twin), aka Dorothy Belt
(m2): Soren Hansen Sorensen, Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
Son of Nils Sorensen & unknown
Born: May 14, 1874, Norway
Died: Nov 6, 1962 (age 87), Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington
Buried: West Hills Memorial Park, Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
Occupation: Laborer in lumber mill (Cascade Lumber Company), ranch hand, fruit farmer
Married: Jan 19, 1918, Marjorie Elva Kellogg, Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
One child: Robert Edward Sorensen
1. Robert Edward Sorensen
Timeline and Records
Spellings and information in census and other records are retained
as reflected in the original documents
Jun 27, 1864: Birth of Arthur Lincoln Smith, 2nd of 2 children of Alvin A. Smith & Lucy Prindle and 1st husband of Marjorie Elva Kellogg, Gainesville, Wyoming Co., New York
Jun 15, 1865: New York State Census, Russia, Herkimer Co., New York:
Name: Smith, Arthur
Gender: Male
Relation to Head: Son
Birth Year: abt 1864
Age: 1
Residence: Russia, Herkimer, New York
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Alvin Smith, Alvin: Age 36, Head
Smith, Lucy: Age 29 Wife (Lucy Prindle, 1st wife of Alvin Smith and mother of Carrie and Arthur)
Smith, Clarrie: Age 5 Daughter (Carrie, sister of Arthur)
Smith, Arthur: Age 1, Son
Smith, Richard: Age 6, Father
Oct 17, 1867: Marriage of Milo Bailey Kellogg & Elvira Miranda “Vira” Church, parents of Marjorie Elva Kellogg, in Marshall, Calhoun Co., Michigan
Two children:
1. Glenn Emsley Kellogg
1872 – 1872
2. Marjorie Elva Kellogg
1879 – 1965
Mar 9, 1872: Birth of Glenn Emsley Kellogg, 1st of 2 children of Milo Bailey Kellogg & Elvira Miranda “Vira” Church and brother of Marjorie Elva Kellogg, in Marshall, Calhoun Co., Michigan
Jul 31, 1872: Death of Glenn Emsley Kellogg, (age 4 mo, 22 days), 1st of 2 children of Milo Bailey Kellogg & Elvira Miranda “Vira” Church, in Marshall, Calhoun Co., Michigan; cholera infantum
Jul 31, 1872: Burial of Glenn Emsley Kellogg, Oakridge Cemetery in Marshall, Calhoun Co., Michigan; Lot #310, Section K, New Grounds in the Church family burial plot; no headstone or marker
Oakridge Cemetery record for Lot #310, Group/Section K:
1. Glen E. Kellog, child of Milo Bailey Kellogg & Elvira M. (Church) Kellogg; interred Jul 31, 1872
2. Julia B. Church, mother of Elvira M. (Church) Kellogg; died Nov 21, 1889, interred Nov 24, 1889
3. Jesse E. Church, father of Elvira M. (Church) Kellogg; died Jun 5, 1885, interred Dec 24, 1889
4. William B. Church, owner of lots and the brother of Elvira M. (Church) Kellogg; died Feb 16, 1916, interred Feb 19, 1916
Aug 28, 1879: Birth of Marjorie Elva Kellogg, 2nd of 2 children of Milo Bailey Kellogg & Elvira Miranda “Vira” Church, in Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kansas
Jun 10, 1880: U.S. Federal Census, Wichita, Sedgwick Co., Kansas:
Kellogg, Milo B.: age 35, married, Keeps grocery store, born New York, father born New York, mother born New York
Vira M.: age 33, wife, married, keeping house, born New York, father born England, mother born New York
Margore: age 9/12, born Aug, daughter, at home, born Kansas, father born New York, mother born New York (Marjorie)
Jun 19, 1880: U.S Federal Census, Paris, Oneida Co., New York:
Name: Arthur Smith
Age: 14
Birth Date: Abt 1866
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1880: Paris, Oneida, New York
Dwelling Number: 33
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Son
Father’s Name: Alvin Smith
Father’s Birthplace: New York
Mother’s Name: Mary Smith
Mother’s Birthplace: Canada
Occupation: Works In Woolen Mill
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Smith, Alvin: Age 52, Self (Head)
Smith, Mary: Age 32, Wife
Smith, Carry: Age 20, Daughter (Carrie, sister of Arthur L. Smith)
Smith, Arthur: Age 14, Son
Milo Bailey Kellogg, Wichita History:
Milo Bailey Kellogg was born September 16, 1843 at Marion, Wayne County, New York, the son of Rodney Kellogg and Harriet Bailey. While a boy, he was trained as a blacksmith’s apprentice. He had two brothers, Norton P. Kellogg and Lewis T. Kellogg.
On Sep 9, 1861, he enlisted as a private in the New York Volunteers in Company I, 17th Regiment, as did his brothers. Later Milo was promoted to sergeant in Company I, 146th Regiment. He was involved in about seven major battles before taken prisoner by the Confederates at the “Battle of the Wilderness” on Jun 15, 1864. Then he was confined in the dreaded Andersonville Prison in Georgia. The conditions there were so terrible that over 12,000 of the inmates died before the end of the War. Milo survived, and in Feb 1865, he was paroled at Wilmington, N.C., and then in Jul 1865 was discharged near Washington, D.C.
He made his way to Kansas, and in about Nov 1865 he arrived in Leavenworth, Kansas, and for nearly two years was employed as a salesman for a wholesale house that sold Indian goods. Later he traveled to Marshall, Michigan, to wed a young woman whose name was Elvira Miranda Church, the daughter of the Rev. Jesse Emory Church and Julia Bailey, from and at Calhoun County, Michigan. The wedding took place on Oct 17, 1867. (My source of this particular information described her as “pretty and petite”).
Two known children resulted from this marriage, namely, Glen Emsley Kellogg, born Mar 1872, in Marshall, Calhoun County, Michigan, and died there in Jul 1872; his sister, Marjorie Elva Kellogg, was born Aug 30, 1879 in Wichita, Kansas, and died May 31, 1965, in Yakama Washington. She married an Arthur L. Smith in 1900; he was from Lenawee County, Michigan. They had two children: Lucy Smith, born 1901 in Lenawee, County, Kansas and Carrie “Marie” Smith.
In Oct 1867 Milo returned with his wife Vira to Leavenworth, Kansas, and teamed up with an Indian trader by the name of William “Dutch Bill” Greiffenstein, who was born in Germany, and who from time to time was undoubtedly loading his wagons with various things that the Indians in the Indian Territory (now Oklahoma) liked to acquire in exchange for their buffalo robes and the like. “Dutch Bill” liked to meet them at a place on the tributary of the North Canadian River after having passed through what is now Wichita where he could acquire more supplies at times. “Dutch Bill” had no language problems because he was married to an Indian, “Cheyenne Jennie” who could interpret for him. Milo may have accompanied them, or he may have stayed in what is now Wichita to “mind the store”. Or he may have accompanied Bill to Leavenworth to obtain more supplies. At any rate, he and Bill were well acquainted. Bill is sometimes called “the father of Wichita”.
By 1869, Wichita was a prosperous trading center, and at the junction of the Big Arkansas and the Little Arkansas Rivers a trading post, owned by a man named Durfee, had been built in the shape of a fort. Milo worked there. The trading post contained several “apartments” and I assume that he and his wife/family lived in one of them. I gather that he was well-regarded by the owner; Milo was, I have discerned, a hard worker with a good reputation in the small community.
Some of the pioneers who settled Wichita contributed a great amount to the forming of the town; others contributed to some degree or another; others, particularly farmers and their families in Sedgwick County, seldom visited the town. I would put Milo Kellogg in the middle/second category. He was a postmaster during part of Wichita’s early days, but he was not the first. He served as justice of the peace for awhile in 1870, but his jurisdiction was limited to minor misdemeanors. He was Register of Deeds during the years, 1874 to 1877, which probably was a political reward for previous political loyalty. Of course his friend Bill Greiffenstein was probably helpful in this regard. I surmise that their years together while trading with the Indians helped him acquire these political posts; moreover, there is little doubt that “Dutch Bill arranged for Milo to acquire a good-sized parcel of land just south of Bill’s tract… hence, the designation of Kellogg Street bordering the south edge or so of Milo’s tract.
Nevertheless, when Sedgwick County and its farmers were struck by not only a drought but also an attack of hundreds of thousands of grasshoppers in 1876—literally wiping them out—Milo was appointed a kind of government agent to seek and receive commodities of food to help alleviate the starvation. Trainloads of food arrived from states such as Ohio and Illinois and other mid-western states. Also, the War Department shipped food to Wichita. It was not enough but it surely helped.
Milo has been described as a quiet man—very shy at times and a gentle person. He was a member of St. John’s Episcopal Church, the first church built in Wichita.
Source: Information above is from the Wichita Public Library, from the notes of Kent McCormick (Wichita historian, Jun 2009):
Jun 1888: Milo Bailey Kellogg, his wife Vira, and their daughter Marjorie Elva Kellogg (age 11), relocate to Fresno, Fresno Co., California
Sep 16, 1899: Marriage of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur Lincoln Smith, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Sep 16, 1899: Michigan Marriages
Name: Arthur L. Smith
Event Type: Marriage
Event Date: 16 Sep 1899
Event Place: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Birthplace: New York
Father’s Name: Alvin A. Smith
Mother’s Name: Mary M. Young
Spouse’s Name: Marjorie E. Kellogg
Spouse’s Gender: Female
Spouse’s Age: 20
Spouse’s Birthplace: California (Kansas per the 1900 census)
Spouse’s Father’s Name: Not Given
Spouse’s Mother’s Name: Not Given (Lucy Prendle (or Prindle) per his death record)
Jun 6, 1900: U.S Federal Census, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan:
Name: Arthur L Smith
Age: 34
Birth Date: Jun 1865
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1900: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse’s Name: Marjorie E Smith
Marriage Year: 1900
Years Married: 0
Father’s Birthplace: New York
Mother’s Birthplace: Canada
Occupation: Shearer of Woolen Cloth
Months Not Employed: 0
Can Read: Y
Can Write: Y
Can Speak English: Y
House Owned or Rented: Rent
Farm or House: H
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Smith, Arthur L: Age 34, Head
Smith, Marjorie E: Age 20, Wife
Jun 30, 1900: Birth of Lucy Elvira Smith, 1st of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur Lincoln Smith, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Jul 31, 1901: Birth of Perry M. Smith (a twin), 2nd of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur Lincoln Smith, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Sep 19, 1901: Death of Perry M. Smith (1 mo, 21 days), 2nd of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur Lincoln Smith, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan; cholera infantum
Sep 1901: Burial of Perry M. Smith, Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan; Sec I, Lot 11, Grave 7-01, no marker
Jul 31, 1901: Birth of Roscoe K. Smith (a twin), 3rd of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur Lincoln Smith, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Jul 31, 1901: Michigan Births, 1867-1902:
Name: Roscoe Smith
Birth Date: 31 Jul 1901
Birthplace: Clinton Township, Lenawee, Michigan
Gender: Male
Father’s Name: Arthur Smith
Father’s Birthplace: New York
Mother’s Name: Marjorie Smith
Mother’s Birthplace: Kansas
Sep 27, 1901: Death of Roscoe K. Smith (1 mo, 26 days), 3rd of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur Lincoln Smith, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan; cholera infantum
Sep 1901: Burial of Roscoe K. Smith, Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan; Sec I, Lot 11, Grave 7, no marker
Cholera Infantum:
Definition:—Cholera infantum is an acute infectious disease of infancy, characterized by diarrhea, and in severe cases by vomiting, rapid emaciation and extreme prostration.
Etiology:—This disease is largely confined to the summer months in temperate zones, and has its acme of occurrence and mortality in the period of greatest heat. Cases may occur as early as April and May, but in June the disease may be said to begin, and the curve rises steadily during July, beginning to decline late in August, and lasting till October.
Children in the crowded portions of cities are more subject to cholera infantum than those in the suburbs and in the country.
The factors producing digestive disorders are directly causative. Artificially fed children are more frequently attacked than those breast fed. A contaminated milk supply is commonly responsible for the disease.
The eating of unripe or decomposing fruit, and of articles unsuited to infantile digestive powers, may precipitate an attack. As suggested above, a period of hot weather will positively influence its occurrence.
The bacterial agents causing the disorder are numerous. In many cases Shiga’s bacillus—bacillus dysentereae—is found. In other cases the streptococcus occurs, also the staphylococcus, the bacillus pyocyaneus, and a spirillum, though not the spirillum cholerae asiaticae.
Source: Ellingwood, 1910: the Eclectic Practice of Medicine. XVIII. Diseases of the Intestines.
Apr 30, 1903: Birth of Carrie Marie Smith, 4th of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur Lincoln Smith, in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
1908: Divorce of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur L. Smith
Marjorie and her two children are living with her father Milo B. Kellogg, now married to Alice Clement along with her daughter Edna Clement and two sons, Leo and Milo Kellogg in Machias, Snohomish Co., Washington.
In the 1910 census, Arthur is living w/sister Clara/Carrie Ferrick and family in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Note: Arthur L. Smith is living with his brother-in-law, James Ferrick, the husband of sister Carrie, on the 1910, 1920, and 1930 census
Apr 21, 1910: U.S. Federal Census, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan
Name: Smith, Arthur L
Age in 1910: 47
Birth Date: 1863
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1910: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Sheet Number: 6a
Street: Chicago Street
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Brother-in-law
Marital Status: Married
Father’s Birthplace: New York
Mother’s Birthplace: New York
Native Tongue: English
Occupation: Dotter Finisher
Industry: Woolen Mill
Employer, Employee or Other: Wage Earner
Able to read: Y
Able to Write: Y
Years Married: 9
Out of Work: N
Number of Weeks Out of Work: 0
Enumerated Year: 1910
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Ferrick, James: Age 50, Head
Ferrick, Clara A: Age 50, Wife (Carrie, sister of Arthur L. Smith)
Ferrick, Arthur: Age 20, Son
Ferrick, Helen: Age 14, Daughter
Ferrick, Ruth: Age 14, Daughter
Smith, Arthur L: Age 47, Brother-in-law
Apr 27, 1910: U.S. Federal Census, Hartford, Snohomish Co., Washington:
Kellogg, Milo B.: Head, age 65, married 2, married 13 years, born New York, father born United States, mother born United State, laborer in woods
Kellogg, Alice J.: Wife, age 34, married 2, married 13 years, 4 children born, four children living, born California, father born California, mother born Phil, Pennsylvania
Clement, Edna M.: Step Daughter, age 14, single, born California, father born France, mother born California
Kellogg, Leo Y.: Son, age 12, born Washington, father born New York, mother born California
Kellogg, Milo M.: Son, age 7, born California, father born New York, mother born California
Smith, Marjorie: Daughter, age 30, married 1, 2 children born, 2 children living, born Kansas, father born New York, mother born Pennsylvania (note: 4 children born, 2 children living)
Smith, Lucy E.: Grand Daughter, age 9, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Kansas
Smith, Carrie M.: Grand Daughter, age 7, born Michigan, father born New York, mother born Kansas
Note: indexed as Mils B. Kellogg
Apr 19, 1914: Birth of Donald Hamlin (twin), aka Donald Census Belt, 1st of 2 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Enos Hamlin (adopted at 7 months by Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt), Seattle, King Co., Washington
Apr 19, 1914: State of Washington Birth Index (Donald Hamlin):
Name: Hamlin
Date of Birth: 19 Apr 1914
Gender: Male
Birth Place: King, Washington
Father: Enos Hamlin
Mother: Marjorie Smith
Apr 19, 1914: State of Washington Birth Index:
Name: Unnamed Belt (Donald [Hamlin] Belt):
Gender: Male
Race: White
Record Type: Birth
Birth Date: 19 Apr 1914
Birth Place: Seattle, Washington
Father: H C Belt (Horatio Celsus Belt)
Mother: Fannie Scott (Fannie (Scott) Belt)
Apr 19, 1914: Birth of Dorothy Hamlin (twin), aka Dorothy Belt, 2nd of 2 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Enos Hamlin (adopted at 7 months by Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt), Seattle, King Co., Washington
Nov 30, 1914: Adoption of Donald Hamlin (a twin), aka Donald Census Belt, 1st of 2 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Enos Hamlin, in Seattle, King Co., Washington. Adopted at seven months by Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt), adoption was handled by the Children’s Home Society, which still exists.
Nov 30, 1914: Adoption of Dorothy Hamlin (a twin), aka Dorothy Belt, 2nd of 2 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Enos Hamlin, in Seattle, King Co., Washington. Adopted at seven months by Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt); adoption was handled by the Children’s Home Society.
Jan 19, 1918: Marriage of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Soren Hansen Sorensen, her 2nd marriage, in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
As told by Lucy Newman, daughter of Arthur L. Smith & Marjorie Elva Kellogg, in a letter dated Aug 22, 1972) excerpt:
My mother married Soren Sorensen on January 19th, 1918 and in a few years they bought an apple orchard. It was profitable and they sold it about 1953, and moved to the city. They lived happily until he died in 1961 and she died four years later. Her last couple of years were spent in a nursing home.
Their son, Robert Sorensen, was born in Yakima in 1920. After serving about seven years in the Navy he married Ada (Dejesus) and they have one son Robert. He is about 15 years old. He is a machinist and they live in San Pedro, Calif. 90731. I’ll get better dates and names for you later. Some of this information is probably superfluous and hope you can get what you need from it.
Sincerely, Lucy Newman
Note: Lucy Elvira (Smith) Newman (1900-1975) is the daughter of Arthur L. Smith & Marjorie Elva Kellogg; Marjorie (Kellogg) Sorensen is the 2nd of 2 children of Milo B. Kellogg & Elvira Miranda”Vira” Church, and the half-sister of Leo Kellogg Yates (full letter at end of post)
Sep 3, 1919: Birth of Robert Edward Sorensen, the only child of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Soren Hansen Sorensen, in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
Jan 7, 1920: U.S. Federal Census, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan:
Name: Arthur L Smith
Age: 56
Birth Year: abt 1864
Birthplace: New York
Home in 1920: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Street: Chicago St
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Boarder
Marital Status: Divorced
Father’s Birthplace: New York
Mother’s Birthplace: New York
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Foreman
Industry: Woolen Mill
Employment Field: Wage or Salary
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Ferrick, James: Age 60, Head (brother-in-law of Arthur L. Smith)
Ferrick, Ruth V: Age 23, Daughter
Ferrick, Helen V: Age 23, Daughter
Smith, Arthur L: Age 56, Boarder
Jan 7, 1920: U.S. Federal Census, Seattle, King Co., Washington:
Name: Belt, H Celsus
Age: 44
Birth Year: 1876
Birthplace: Illinois
Home in 1920: Seattle, King, Washington
Street: 19 N E
House Number: 4733
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Male
Relation to Head of House: Head
Marital Status: Married
Spouse’s Name: Fannie S Belt
Father’s Birthplace: Illinois
Mother’s Birthplace: Ohio
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Attorney
Industry: own office
Employment Field: Own Account
Home Owned or Rented: Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged: Mortgaged
Able to read: Yes
Able to Write: Yes
Household members, Name, Age:
Belt, H Celsus: Age 44
Belt, Fannie S: Age 43
Belt, Dorothy: Age 5, born Washington, father born Illinois, mother born Ohio
Belt, Donald: Age 5, born Washington, father born Illinois, mother born Ohio
Jan 24, 1920: U.S. Federal Census, Cascade, Yakima Co., Washington:
Name Soren Sorensen
Age 45
Birth Year abt 1875
Birthplace Norway
Home in 1920 Cascade, Yakima, Washington
Street Extension North Fourth Street
Residence Date 1920
Race White
Gender Male
Immigration Year 1892
Relation to Head of House Head
Marital Status Married
Spouse’s Name Marjorie Sorensen
Father’s Birthplace Norway
Mother’s Birthplace Norway
Native Tongue Norwegian
Able to Speak English Yes
Occupation Laborer
Industry Lumber mill
Employment Field Wage or Salary
Home Owned or Rented Owned
Home Free or Mortgaged Free
Naturalization Status Naturalized
Able to Write No
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Soren Sorensen: Age 45, Head
Marjorie Sorensen: Age 40, Wife
Lucy Smith: Age 19, Stepdaughter
Marie Smith: Age 16, Stepdaughter
Robert E Sorensen: Age 0, Son
Jun 30, 1921: Marriage of Lucy Elvira Smith & Houk Erbine Newman, in Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington
Three children:
1. Francis Erbine “Frank” Newman
2. Dorothy Eleanor Newman
3. David G. “Dave” Newman
Dec 31, 1926: Marriage of Carrie Marie Smith & Mark Sanders (born Peter Emanuel Sandstrom), in Ellensburg, Kittitas Co., Washington
Three children:
1. Gail Weston Sanders (male)
2. Helen Marie Sanders
3. Richard Mark “Dick” Sanders
Dec 31, 1926: Washington Marriage Record:
Name Marie Smith (Carrie Marie Smith)
Gender Female
Race White
Marriage Age 23
Birth Date abt 1903
Birth Place Clinton, Michigan
Marriage Date 31 Dec 1926
Marriage Place Ellensburg, Kittitas, Washington, USA
Father: Arthur R. Smith
Mother: Marjorie Smith
Spouse: Mark Sanders
Apr 8, 1930: U.S. Federal Census, Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan:
Name: Arthur L Smith
Birth Year: abt 1865
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age in 1930: 65
Birthplace: New York
Marital Status: Single
Relation to Head of House: Brother-in-law
Home in 1930: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Map of Home: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Street Address: Chicago Street
Dwelling Number: 207
Attended School: No
Able to Read and Write: Yes
Father’s Birthplace: New York
Mother’s Birthplace: New York
Able to Speak English: Yes
Occupation: Foreman finish
Industry: Woolen Mill
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker
Employment: Yes
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Ferrick, James: Age 70, Head (brother-in-law of Arthur L. Smith)
Ferrick, Ruth: Age 34, Daughter
Arthur L Smith: Age 65, Brother-in-law
Ferrick, Arthur J: Age 40, Son
Apr 27, 1940: U.S. Federal Census, Norvell, Jackson Co., Michigan:
Name: Smith, Arthur L
Respondent: Yes
Age: 75
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1865
Gender: Male
Race: White
Birthplace: New York
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Norvell, Jackson, Michigan
Map of Home in 1940: Norvell, Jackson, Michigan
Farm: No
Inferred Residence in 1935: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Residence in 1935: Clinton, Lenawee, Michigan
Occupation: Cloth Finisher
Industry: Woolens Mill Red
House Owned or Rented: Owned
Value of Home or Monthly Rental if Rented: 1000
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: Elementary school, 7th grade
Income Other Sources: No
Household Members (Name) Age Relationship:
Smith, Arthur L: Age 75, Head
Agnew, Eli H: Age 63, Lodger
Apr 3, 1946: Death of Donald Hamlin, aka Donald Census Belt, twin son of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Enos/Emory Hamlin and adopted son of Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt, rural, Polk Co., Oregon; suicide
Apr 3, 1946: Burial of Donald Hamlin, aka Donald Census Belt, at Evergreen-Washelli Memorial Park in Seattle, King Co., Washington; Section 2. Donald is buried alongside his adoptive parents, Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie Scott.
Apr 8, 1946, Seattle Daily Times, Seattle, King Co., Washington (pg 18):
Nov 23, 1949: Death of Arthur Lincoln Smith (age 85), 1st husband of Marjorie Elva Kellogg, in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw Co., Michigan
Nov 23, 1949: Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952
Name: Arthur L Smith
Event Type: Death
Event Date: 23 Nov 1949
Event Place: Ann Arbor, Washtenaw, Michigan, United States
Gender: Male
Age: 85
Marital Status: Divorced
Birth Date: 27 Jun 1864
Birthplace: Gainesville, New York
Father’s Name: Alvin A Smith
Mother’s Name: Lucy Prindle
1949: Burial of Arthur Lincoln Smith, Riverside Cemetery in Clinton, Lenawee Co., Michigan along with his father, Alvin A. Smith, and sister Carrie H. (Smith) Ferrick; Sec 1, Lot 11, Grave 6 (no headstone)
Social Security Application & Claims Index:
Name Arthur Lincoln Smith
Gender Male
Race White
Birth Date 27 Jun 1864
Birth Place Marysville H, New York
Father: Alvin A Smith
Mother: Lucy Moon
Notes Jan 1938: Name listed as ARTHUR LINCOLN SMITH
Nov 6, 1961: Death of Soren Hansen Sorensen (age 87), 2nd husband of Marjorie Elva (Kellogg) Smith, in Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington
Nov 1961: Burial of Soren Hansen Sorensen at West Hills Cemetery in Yakima, Yakima Co., Washington; Devotion 155C, space 1
May 31, 1965: Death of Marjorie Elva (Kellogg) Sorensen (age 85), 2nd of 2 children of Milo Bailey Kellogg & Elvira Miranda “Vira” Church, in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
Jun 1965: Burial of Marjorie Elva (Kellogg) Sorensen alongside her 2nd husband, Soren Hansen Sorensen, at West Hills Memorial Park in Yakima, Yakima Co. Washington; Devotion 155C, Space 2
Jan 1, 1972: Death of Carrie Marie (Smith) Sanders (age 68), 4th of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur L. Smith, in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington; auto accident, ruptured heart
Jan 1, 1972: Washington Death Index:
Name Carrie Marie Sanders
[Carrie Marie Smith]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 68
Birth Date: 30 Apr 1903
Birth Place: Clinton Michigan
Death Date: 1 Jan 1972
Death Place: Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA
Death Registration Place: Washington, USA
Certificate Number: 2424
Father: Arthur L Smith
Mother: Marjorie Kellogg
Spouse: Mark
Social Security Death Index:
Name Marie Sanders
Birth Date 30 Apr 1903
Issue year Before 1951
Issue State Washington
Last Residence 98902, Yakima, Yakima, Washington, USA
Death Date Jan 1972
Jan 5, 1972: Burial of Carrie Marie (Smith) Sanders, 4th of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur L. Smith, at West Hills Memorial Cemetery in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington
Aug 22, 1972: Letter from Lucy Newman to Wichita Historical Society:
Aug. 22, 1972
Route G Box 231
Yakima, Wash. 98902
Mr. Clark Ellington, Jr.
Researcher, Local History
Wichita, Kansas
Dear Mr. Ellington,
Your letter asking for information on Milo Bailey Kellogg arrived, and I’ll try to fill in as many facts as I have or can remember. The letter informed us of some things that we didn’t know and appreciate very much.
I do not know where Vira Church and Milo Kellogg were married, but she was one of twelve children. Her parents were Rev. Jessie Church and Julia Bailey of Springboro, Penn. We have heard that she was instrumental in raising money for the first church in Wichita. Milo had at least two brothers. They were Lt. Norton P Kellogg 98 N.Y. Vol Inf. and Lewis T Kellogg Co. D. 160th N.Y. Vol. I have their pictures but you probably wouldn’t want them.
We hadn’t heard about the moves to Kingman, Colorado Springs, and Chadron, Nebraska. I do have a picture of Vira Kellogg and my mother taken in Colorado Springs. We also didn’t know about the baby born in Marshall, Mich. She had brothers living there and one was a doctor.
They lived in Fresno for three years when Vira Kellogg died of cancer. Marjorie Elva, their only child was then 12 yrs old. She had two brothers living there. One was Hon. Geo E Church, a judge, and Dr. W.B. Church. Marjorie was sent east to live with relatives in Mason City and Marshall Mich. She went to school in Ypsilanti, Mich. for a while and at age 20 married Arthur L. Smith of Clinton, Mich. My sister Carrie Marie and I (Lucy Elvira) were born there and were the only children, except for twin boys who died at three months. They were divorced when I was eight years old and we moved to Washington.
Milo Kellogg went to San Francisco after his wife’s death and worked in a hospital as an orderly. While there he married Alice Clement. I do not know much about her history. She was raised in a convent and was a very lovely person. She had two children when they were married—a girl whose present name and address are Mrs. Edna Blackman 203A Bartlett St. San Francisco, Cal 94110 and Roy. They took the Kellogg name, but do not believe they were adopted. Roy died in the 50’s and his wife Mildred probably still lives at 6382 Marshall St., Buena Park, Calif. Leo Yates Kellogg was born in 1898 in San Francisco and five years later Milo was born. I believe they also lived in San Jose part of that time. He seemed to be chasing rainbows.
In about 1906 they made the mistake of moving to Washington and taking a homestead 2½ miles from Hartford, Wash. It was beautiful virgin timber and nothing but hard work and very little income for about six years. While they were there we came to Hartford and my sister and I lived with them while my mother worked. Wish I had been old enough to gather some information. He sold it in five or six years and moved to Lake Stevens and lived on the money from the sale and his soldier’s pension for the rest of his life, until he went to the soldiers home in Orting. While in Lake Steven’s Milo died at the age of 14. He was never well and had rheumatic fever and loss of hearing. Leo was self supporting at an early age. He married a Lake Stevens girl name Ida ? and they had one daughter named Margaret. Her present name and address are Mrs Clarence Anderson 517 Vera Cruz Ave. Novato, Calif. 94947. He later married again and had two children. His wife is still living, but an invalid and cannot write. Her name at present is Mrs. Ted Schmidt 20809 Parthenia Apt 8 Canoga Park, Calif 91304. Leo and Joan spent ten years or more on the California coast, where he was a lighthouse keeper—first on Anacapa Island and later near Port Hueneme. I do not know where the two daughters live but can find out from his daughter Margaret; and also the date of his death. My mother, sister and I moved to Seattle, Wash in 1913, where we worked and went to school. In 1917 we moved to Yakima and have lived here ever since. My mother married Soren Sorensen on January 19th 1918 and in a few years they bought an apple orchard. It was profitable and they sold it about 1953, and moved to the city. They lived happily until he died in 1961 and she died four years later. Her last couple of years were spent in a nursing home.
My sister Marie died last January in a car accident. Her name was Mrs Mark Sanders. Her husband is still living and they have three children. They also lived for many years on an apple orchard until they retired.
My husband is still living as you know and we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary last year. We are retired but still living on the property, which our son manages. We have three children, 13 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
I forgot to tell you about Robert Sorensen. He was born in Yakima in 1920. After serving about seven years in the Navy he married Ada ? and they have one son Robert. He is about 15 years old. He is a machinist and they live in San Pedro, Calif. 90731. I’ll get better dates and names for you later. Some of this information is probably superfluous and hope you can get what you need from it.
Lucy Newman
(Lucy Elvira (Smith) Newman, 1st of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur L. Smith, in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington)

Marjorie Elva (Kellogg) & Soren Hansen Sorensen with a picture of their son Robert Sorensen while serving in the Navy
Sep 11, 1975: Death of Lucy Elvira (Smith) Newman (age 75), 1st of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur L. Smith, in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington; liver cancer
Sep 11, 1975: State of Washington Death Index:
Name: Lucy Elvira Newman
[Lucy Elvira Smith]
Gender: Female
Race: White
Age: 75
Birth Date: 30 Jun 1900
Birth Place: Michigan
Death Date: 11 Sep 1975
Death Place: Yakima, Yakima, Washington
Death Registration Place: Washington
Certificate Number: 22372
Father: Arthur L Smith
Mother: Majorie Elva Kellogg
Spouse: Houk E Newman
Sep 15, 1975: Cremation of Lucy Elvira (Smith) Newman, 1st of 4 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Arthur L. Smith, at West Hills Memorial Cemetery in Yakima City, Yakima Co., Washington; her ashes were spread in the family orchard.
Sep 18, 1977: Death of Dorothy Hamlin (twin), aka Dorothy (Belt) Whalley (age 63), 2nd of 2 children of Marjorie Elva Kellogg & Enos Hamlin (adopted at 7 months by Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt), Seattle, King Co., Washington
Sep 1977: Interment (cremated) of Dorothy (Belt) Whalley at Evergreen-Washelli Memorial Park in Seattle, King Co., Washington along with her husband Oliver Soper Whalley, her adopted parents Horatio Celsus Belt & Fannie (Scott) Belt), and her twin brother Donald Belt; Dorothy is interred in the Washelli Columbarium, Sec Sc, Row B, Niche 11
2023. Researched and compiled by Catherine (Clemens) Sevenau, with contributions of various Kellogg cousins, kin, and fellow researchers.
Note: The cemetery headstone photos from Find A Grave contained herein are the property of those who photographed them.