Howard James Chambers
Only child of Ada Chamberlin and William James “Doc” Chambers
Born: Dec 6, 1898, Cripple Creek, El Paso Co., Colorado
Died: May 22, 1939 (age 40), Baker, Baker Co., Oregon; leakage of the heart
Buried: May 25, 1939, Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon
Religion: Catholic
Military: Served in the U.S. Navy and U.S. Army
Occupation: Farmer, miner, logger, Idaho Power Company
Avocation: Loomed hooked rugs
Married: Jun 7, 1930, Jessie Elmeda Moses, Stevenson, Skamania Co., Washington
Two daughters: Bonnie Louise Chambers, Ada Beatrice “Bea” Chambers
Jessie Elmeda Moses
3rd of 4 children of Daniel Budd “Bud” Moses & Carrie Elmelda Janney
Born: Apr 8, 1911, Baker, Baker Co., Oregon
Died: Feb 17, 2001 (age 89), Baker, Baker Co. Oregon, aspirated food in the hospital after having hip surgery
Buried: Feb 21, 2001, Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon
Religion: Catholic
Occupation: Public grammar school teacher (40 years in Baker), J.C. Penney
Volunteer work: Baker County Public Library, Baker Museum, St. Elizabeth Hospital
Affiliation: Retired Teachers Association, Baker Hospital Auxiliary, St. Francis de Sales Cathedral Altar Society
Married: Jun 7, 1930, Howard James Chambers, Stevenson, Skamania Co., Washington
Two daughters: Bonnie Louise Chambers, Ada Beatrice “Bea” Chambers
1. Bonnie Louise Chambers
Born: May 19, 1931, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon
Married: Jun 11, 1950, Richard LaVon Baggerly, Baker, Baker Co., Oregon
Eight children (one adopted)
2. Ada Beatrice “Bea” Chambers
Born: Jun 10, 1933, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon
Died: Jun 25, 2013 (age 80), Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon
Buried: Skyline Memorial Gardens in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon
Occupation: Teacher, worked at Woolworth, operator for Bell Telephone
Married: Jul 18, 1954, James Albert “Jim” Bottger, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon
Five children
Timeline and Records
Only child of Ada Chamberlin & William James “Doc” Chambers:
1. Howard James Chambers
1898 – 1938
Four children of Daniel Budd Moses & Carrie Elmelda Janney:
1. George Janney Moses
1902 – 1969
2. Thelma Marie Moses
1906 – 1989
3. Jessie Elmeda Moses
1911 – 2001
4. Margaret Caroline Moses
1914 – 1965
Early 1898: Marriage of Ada Agnes Chamberlin & Dr. William James “Doc” Chambers, Colorado. Ada is about 19 or 20 and Doc Chambers is about 30 or 31.
1899: Annulment of Ada Agnes Chamberlin & Dr. William James “Doc” Chambers. Doc Chambers, a prominent man about town who came from a wealthy New York family, is the town physician for Cripple Creek, El Paso County, Colorado working from the Palace Pharmacy. He is also part-owner of the Palace Hotel and owns property in the red light district, which gave many of the wealthy men of that time a good income. Prior to Ada Chamberlin, Doc was married to an Ella L., who divorced him for non-support and accused him of being a philanderer. Doc then married Ada, but within a year their marriage was annulled. According to family lore, as Doc Chambers was married before his betrothal to Ada, their union was not recognized by the Catholic Church and at the bidding of the new Bishop, and as her beliefs stood before her marriage even though she loved him, Ada left Doc. He then married Miss Catherine “Kitty” Howard.
Dec 6, 1898: Birth of Howard James Chambers, the only child of Ada Agnes Chamberlin & Dr. William James “Doc” Chambers, in Cripple Creek, El Paso Co., Colorado (Teller County is created from El Paso and Fremont counties in 1899). His parent’s marriage must have been annulled sometime just before or around the time of Howard’s birth, as Doc remarries in Jan of 1899.
Nov 22, 1899: Divorce of Ada Agnes Chamberlin & Dr. William James “Doc” Chambers in El Paso (Teller Co.), Colorado
Note: On a marriage application two years hence, she gives reason for divorce from Doc Chambers as desertion. El Paso Co., Colorado, divorce docket #005620, William is the petitioner and Ada the respondent
Colorado Divorce Index:
Name: William J Chambers
Divorce Date: 22 Nov 1899
Divorce Place: El Paso, Colorado, USA (Teller Co.)
Spouse: Ada Chambers
Record Type: Divorce
Dec 1899: Howard Chambers, age 1 year:
Jun 1, 1900: Federal Census for Eddy, Eddy Co., New Mexico:
Chambers, Ada: head of household, born Nov 1877, age 22, born Texas, father born Vermont (sic: New York), mother born Pennsylvania, married 1897, one child born, one child living, can read, can write, house owned
Chambers, Howard J: son, born Dec 1898, age 1, Colorado, white, male, single, born Colorado, father born New York, mother born Texas
Chamberlin, Findley M: father, born Sep 1841, age 58, birthplace Vermont (sic: Wyoming), white, male, married, Supt of Mines (Ada’s father, Finley Chamberlin)

Ada Chambers house, Carlsbad, New Mexico, circa 1901, son Howard on steps
Note: In the Jun 1900 Census, Ada is listed as head of household, living in this house with her father Frank Chamberlin and her son Howard Chambers
1900: Howard Chambers, age 2 years:
1901: Howard Chambers, age 3 years:
Apr 22, 1902: Marriage of Ada Agnes Chamberlin & Edward Laurence Whitaker (her 2nd marriage), in Grand Junction, Mesa Co., Colorado
Note: Edward and Ada remove to Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon, where their seven Whitaker children are born: Vera Stanislaus Whitaker, Leonard F. “Len” Whitaker, Zelda Beatrice Whitaker, Donald Edward Whitaker, Melvin Lawrence Whitaker, Thelma Marie Whitaker, Edward Joseph Whitaker
1905: Ed & Ada (Chamberlin) Whitaker, Howard Chambers (in middle), baby Len and Vera, in Paddy Creek, Oregon:
Circa 1907: Photo of Ada (Chamberlin) Whitaker and her two sisters, Nellie and Mamie with some of their children:
Ada (Chamberlin) Whitaker, her son Howard Chambers (at her elbow, born Dec 1898, abt age 8),
Nellie (Chamberlin) Chatfield (in middle), Mamie Chamberlin (at right)
Children standing in front: Vera Whitaker (pigtails, born 1903),
Donald Whitaker? (born 1909), Zelda Whitaker? (born 1907)
Assuming picture was taken in 1907: Ada would be abt 28, Nellie abt 33, and Mamie abt 18.
Vera Whitaker (pigtails) would be abt 3 or 4 (born in 1903), Donald Whitaker age a year or so, Zelda Whitaker 2ish,
and Howard Chambers (born Dec 1898) age 9.
The picture was taken at Paddy Creek, Eagle District, Baker Co., Oregon, Oregon where Ada & Edward lived at the Paddy Creek mine.
May 2, 1910: Federal Census for East Eagle Precinct, Baker Co., Oregon:
Whitaker, Edward L.: head, age 35, married 8 years, born Kansas, father born Vermont, mother born Ohio, miner in a gold mine
Ada A.: wife age 32, married 8 years, 5 children, 5 living, born Texas, father born Michigan, mother born Illinois
Howard J.: step-son age 11, born Colorado, father born New York, mother born Texas (Howard James Chambers)
Vera S.: daughter age 6, born Oregon, father born Kansas, mother born Texas
Leonard F.: age 5 born Oregon, father born Kansas, mother born Texas
Zelda B.: daughter age 3, born Oregon, father born Kansas, mother born Texas
Donald L.: son, age 1 year 2 months, born Oregon, father born Kansas, mother born Texas
1910 at the mine: Zelda Whitaker (age 3), Len Whitaker (age 5yr, 6 mo), Donald Whitaker (age 1 yr, 6 mo) Whitaker, and half-brother Howard Chambers (age 11):
1910 at the mine: top to bottom: Howard Chambers (age 11), Len (age 5yr, 6 mo), Zelda (age 3), Donald (age 1 yr, 6 mo)
Aug 1914: Paddy Creek, Baker Co., Oregon:
May 14, 1915: Letter from Ada Whitaker to her sister Mamie and Ada’s children:
Spokane, Wash.
May 14, 1915
My dear Sister & Children –
Isn’t this cold, wet weather just awful and it makes one feel so lonesome and dreary.
Your letter and the one from Howard (Howard Chambers, pictured, age 16, son of Ada & Doc Chambers) just came and I thought we would get one from Mr. Lumsden also but did not. I had a telegram from Mr. Strayer yesterday and he said a letter would follow so will get that in a few days now. I am glad you are getting along nicely and only hope all will stay well.
The baby coughs real hard but not often and mostly at night.
It still stays cold and very windy here but the cool weather is far better for poor Ed than the warm would be. I wish I might write you something encouraging about Ed’s condition but can’t, not yet anyway. Ed seems to get a little thinner and thinner every day and a little quieter. The sight has gone from his right eye entirely and he said this morning that the left eye hurts him now and it begins to look bad. You should see what quantities of morphine he takes – 15 and 20 gr and 25 grams some times in 24 hrs.
If Howard sends any pictures you can send them to me please. Doesn’t he write a poor hand and compose a childish letter for a boy 16 yrs. old? I wonder if after Ed is gone, I’ll have any trouble getting Howard home, in case I need and want him. I don’t believe I will. Well dear, I will write every two or three days and if you find time, do the same. Do you have any trouble with Thelma and Mildred quarreling and Melvin’s stubbornness?
Did I tell you that Ed wants to be taken home to be buried. If you see Mr. Strayer again, ask him what I can do about it for I can not afford it now but could pay the expenses in the future, if he thinks that the expense could be put up when necessary.
If you see and talk to him, what he has to say write on a separate paper since Ed won’t see it for he always asks for your letters.
Mamie, the hole in Ed’s face now reaches from his nose right up to under his eye and straight across to his temple, then clear down his nose and a little below, straight across his cheek it is almost in a square and yet I can’t believe he is to be taken away. You never saw such a skelaton as he is, no meat at all, simply the skin and mussel drawn over his bare bones. And now he is getting bed sores, poor boy. It is pitiful to see and watch.
Love to all,
Your loving sister, Ada
Note: Mr. William Henry Strayer (b. 1866) was an attorney in Baker, Oregon
May 26, 1915: Death of Edward Lawrence “Ed” Whitaker (age 41), step-father of Howard James Chambers, in Spokane, Spokane Co., Washington, of a cancerous mouth tumor. Ed is buried at Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon.
Oct 15, 1915: Howard Chambers (age 16) enlists in the Navy
1917: Howard Chambers diary notes in a First National Bank of Idaho account book Boise Idaho:
Nov 30: It snowed about two inches today.
Nov 3: A man got killed today. And one man got hurt.
Nov 4: I got hurt today. Both ankles mashed & a pick stuck part way through my leg.
Nov 8: It rained all day yesterday & all night. Today is still raining out. The teams started hauling concentrates the 5th of Nov 1927.
Nov 11: I got that awful letter from Faye today. (As you know you did forget.) What did I forget?
Nov 12: I got me new gloves today. Started wearing them this afternoon.
Nov 21: Bill & his dog left today because he couldn’t keep his dog in the bunk house, poor fool.
Nov 24: I got a $1.00 worth of pd(?) today or 7 cans. Had a good dinner today.
Nov 28: The power line broke at 6 a.m. & the phone line was down too. It was caused by a high wind last night. We worked outside falling timber all day.
Nov 30: Two of us went over the phone line again today. Walked 12 miles through the snow.
Next page reads:
May 16, 1930: The red heifer came in today. $2.50.
On the last page he writes:
Chewing tobacco.
Batteree water.
Mail the letters.
Note: Howard’s name and “Homestead, Ore.” are handwritten on the front
Homestead, Oregon: This area was named simply because it was on the Pearce homestead. It was also the home of the Iron Dyke mine whose promoters had the town platted and incorporated for they planned a great future in copper production. A slump in the market of 1928 closed the mine and caused the railroad to pull their lines back to Robinette thus adding another ghost town to Baker County history.
Source: Oregon
Sep 12, 1918: WWI Draft Registration Card, Local Board for Baker, Baker Co., Oregon:
NAME: Howard James Chambers
PERMANENT ADDRESS: Homestead, Baker, Oregon
AGE: 19
DATE OF BIRTH: Dec 6, 1898
PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: Homestead, Baker, Oregon
ADDRESS: Carson, Baker, Oregon
HEIGHT: Medium
BUILD: Slender
Dec 22, 1919: Howard Chambers enlists in the United States Army
Unit: Q.M. Corps D.E.M.L. at Ft Slocum, New York, Company 4th Rct.
Jan 13, 1920: Federal Census for Baker Precinct, Baker Co. Oregon:
Jessie E Moses
Age: 8
Birth Year: abt 1912
Birthplace: Oregon
Home in 1920: Baker, Baker, Oregon
Residence Date: 1920
Race: White
Gender: Female
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Marital Status: Single
Father’s Name: Daniel B Moses
Father’s Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother’s Name: Carrie E Moses
Mother’s Birthplace: Wisconsin
Attended School: yes
Household Members, Age, Relationship:
Daniel B Moses: age 50, Head
Carrie E Moses: age 44, Wife
George J Moses: age 17, Son
Thelma M Moses: age 13, Daughter
Jessie E Moses: age 8, Daughter
Margaret C Moses: age 6, Daughter
Aug 13, 1921: Howard J. Chambers is medically discharged from the Army due to heart trouble
Mar 1925: Howard Chambers (age 26) kept pages of technical class notes regarding forestry, the classification of trees, mathematical equations, etc. in two gray cloth-covered time books. The front interior covers read: “H.J. Chambers, U of I, Moscow, Idaho, 714 South Wash. Street”. However, no record is found of Howard attending the University.
Apr 7, 1930: Federal Census for Pocahontas Precinct, Baker Co., Oregon:
Chambers: Howard J.: head, rents, age 38, single, born Colorado, father born New York, mother born Texas, farmer
Note: Howard is age 31
Jun 7, 1930: Marriage of Howard James Chambers & Jessie Elmeda Moses in Stevenson, Skamania Co., Washington. Howard was age 31, Jessie 19. Howard’s brother-in-law and half-sister were their witnesses.
Copperfield, Baker Co., Oregon, located on the west bank of the Snake River, where the family lived:
1930-1931: Oregon Motor Vehicle Registration:
Name: Howard J Chambers
Residence Date: 1930-1931
Address and Additional Info: 1917 Clifford Baker F 24 Cpe
Residence Place: Oregon, USA
May 19, 1931: Birth of Bonnie Louise Chambers, 1st of 2 children of Howard James Chambers & Jessie Elmeda Moses in Baker, Baker Co, Oregon
Jun 10, 1933: Birth of Ada Beatrice “Bea” Chambers, 2nd of 2 children of Howard James Chambers & Jessie Elmeda Moses in Baker, Baker Co, Oregon

Bea (age 3), Bonnie (age 5)
1935: City Directory, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon (pg 46):
Chambers Howard J (Jessie E) r 1453 Washington av
1937: Note from Bonnie Chambers (age 6) to her mother, Jessie:
Dear folks I was so sorry daddy is sick I will come home friday to see him, and play with Bea. I got my shoes back and they don’t hurt my feet. Tell Clarks to stop and get me. Love, Bonnie.
The front of the postcard (postage once cent) is addressed to:
Mrs. Howard Chambers in Brownlee, Oregon
Note: Bonnie is in the first grade and as there is no school in Copperfield, she is boarding at the St. Francis Academy in Baker.
circa 1936: Family photo of Jessie, Howard, Bonnie and Bea, Baker, Oregon while staying with Grandmother Whitaker:
Spring of 1939: Photo of Howard James Chambers shortly before his passing:
May 22, 1939: Death of Howard James Chambers (age 40) at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon; of leakage of the heart. Howard is the only child of “Doc” William James Chambers & Ada Agnes Chamberlin.
May 23, 1939: Baker City Herald, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon:
Native of Colorado Is Survived by Widow, Two Daughters
Howard James Chambers of Baker died yesterday afternoon at 4:30 in St. Elizabeth’s hospital after a lengthy illness.
Born December 6, 1898, in Cripple Creek, Colorado, Mr. Chambers moved to Oregon when but a small boy. He served in the United States army and navy for several years. He was a member of the Catholic church.
Mr. Chambers is survived by his widow (Jessie Chambers); two daughters Bonnie and Beatrice; his mother, Mrs. Ada Whitaker of Baker; three half sisters, Mrs. Vera Wright of Portland, Mrs. Tran Alfrey of Grant’s Pass and Mrs. Warren Spencer of Baker, and four half-brothers, Len Whitaker of Three Sisters, Donald and Edward Whitaker of Pasadena, and Melvin of Roseburg.
Rosary will be recited Wednesday night at 8:30 in the Baker Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held Thursday morning at 9 o’clock in St. Francis cathedral with Father John D. Lee in charge. Interment will be in Mount Hope Cemetery.
US Veterans Administration Master Index:
Name: Howard James Chambers
Record Type: Military Service
Birth Date: 6 Dec 1898
Military Date: 13 Aug 1921
Residence Place: Baker, Oregon
Death Date: 23 May 1939
U.S. Headstone Application for Military Veterans:
Name: Howard J Chambers
Birth Date: 6 Dec 1898
Service Number: 6509629
Unit: Q.M. Corps D.E.M.L. Ft Slocum, N.Y.
Company: 4th Rct.
Enlistment Date: 22 Dec 1919
Discharge Date: 13 Aug 1921
Death Date: 22 May 1939
Cemetery: MT Hope Cemetery
Cemetery Location: Baker, Oregon, USA
May 25, 1939: Burial of Howard James Chambers in Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon
Aug 4, 1939: Letter regarding statutory allowance for burial expense for Howard Chambers:
COPY TO: Mrs. Jessie Chambers
August 4, 1939
Baker Funeral Home
1503 Second Street
Baker, Oregon
CHAMBERS, Howard James
Reference is made to your claim for the statutory allowance for burial expenses.
As stated in the letter of July 18, 1939, the burial allowance is payable only if the deceased was a veteran of war. The records show that Howard James Chambers enlisted in the United States Navy October 15, 1915 and was discharged May 18, 1916, and that he enlisted in the Army December 22, 1919 and was discharged August 13, 1921. Neither period was during a war, therefore, the burial allowance is not payable.
The honorable discharge of the veteran is returned. It is regretted that it was omitted from the previous letter.
All communications relative to this case should bear the name of the veteran and refer to the number
XC-1, 835,512.
Dependent Claims Service
Enc. (1)
Apr 24, 1940: Federal Census for Big Creek Preserve, Baker Co., Oregon:
Name: Jessie Chambers
Respondent: Yes
Age: 29
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1911
Gender: Female
Race: White
Birthplace: Oregon
Marital Status: Widowed
Relation to Head of House: Head
Home in 1940: Big Creek, Baker, Oregon
Residence in 1935: Rural, Baker, Oregon
Resident on farm in 1935: Yes
Sheet Number: 1B
Father’s Birthplace: Wisconsin
Mother’s Birthplace: Wisconsin
Occupation: Farm Laborer
Age at First Marriage: 19
Number of Children Ever Born: 2
Attended School or College: No
Highest Grade Completed: College, 3rd year
Hours Worked Week Prior to Census: 40
Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in Government work
Weeks Worked in 1939: 33
Income: 785
Income Other Sources: No
Native Language: English
Veteran: No
Usual Occupation: School Teacher
Usual Industry: Public School
Usual Class of Worker: Wage or salary worker in Government work
Household Members Age Relationship
Jessie Chambers: age 29, Head, born Oregon
Beatrice Chambers: age 7, Daughter, born Oregon
Bonnie Chambers: age 9, Son (sic daughter), born Oregon
1941: City Directory, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon (pg 30):
Chambers Jesse E (wid Howard J) tchr h 1930 Chestnut
Aug 21, 1942: Death of William James “Doc” Chambers (age 74), father of Howard James Chambers, in Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., California; coronary arteriosclerosis and chronic myocarditis
Note: Ada kept in touch with Doc over the years as Howard lived with his father off and on. She visited her former husband in Los Angeles in 1942, shortly before his death.
circa 1950: Photo of Richard & Bonnie (Chambers) Baggerly, mother Jessie Chambers, and Beatrice Chambers
1956: City Directory, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon (pg 73):
Chambers Jesse E (wid Howard J) tchr Brooklyn Sch h1348 Broadway
Jul 15, 1960: Death of Ada Agnes (Chamberlin) Whitaker (age 82), mother of Howard James Chambers, in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon; pneumonia.
Jul 1960: Burial of Ada Agnes (Chamberlin) Whitaker in Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon:
Feb 17, 2001: Death of Jessie Elmeda (Moses) Chambers (age 89), in Baker, Baker Co., Oregon, from aspirating food in the hospital after hip surgery.
Oregon Death Index:
Name: Jessie Elmeda Chambers
Age: 90
Birth Date: 1911
Death Date: 17 Feb 2001
Death Place: Baker
Spouse: Howard
Feb 2001: Burial of Jessie Elmeda (Moses) Chambers in Mount Hope Cemetery in Baker City, Baker Co., California
Feb 23, 2001: Baker City Herald, Baker City, Baker Co., Oregon:
Jessie Chambers
Jessie Elmeda Moses Chambers, 89, a lifelong Baker City resident and retired longtime teacher, died Feb. 17, 2001, at St. Elizabeth Health Services.
Vigil services will be at 7 p.m. Tuesday at St. Francis de Sales Cathedral, First and Church streets. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the cathedral. The Rev. Robert C. Irwin and the Rev. John R. Jasper will concelebrate the Mass. Visitations will be until 5 p.m. today at the Coles-Strommer Funeral Home, 1950 Place St.
Mrs. Chambers was born on April 8, 1911, at Baker City to D.B. (Bud) and Carrie (Janney) Moses. She attended Baker City schools and was a Baker High School graduate. She attended Oregon College of Education at Monmouth and was a graduate of Eastern College of Education at La Grande. She did her post-graduate work at Washington State University at Pullman.
She married Howard Chambers on June 7, 1930, at Stevenson, Wash. He died on May 22, 1939. They had two children, Bonnie and Bea.
After completing her education, Mrs. Chambers began her 40-year teaching career. She taught for 10 years in rural schools and the remaining 30 years at Brooklyn School for the 5J district. All of the schools except the first one were in Baker County.
Mrs. Chambers also worked part-time at J.C. Penney for about 20 years. After her retirement, she enjoyed traveling and working at the Baker County Public Library as a volunteer.
Her other volunteer work included helping at the museum and at St. Elizabeth Hospital. She was a member of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Cathedral, the Altar Society, the hospital auxiliary and the Retired Teachers Association.
Survivors include her daughters, Bonnie Baggerly and her husband, Richard, of Echo and Bea Bottger of Portland; 12 grandchildren, 20 great-grandchildren and 17 great-great-grandchildren; and numerous nieces and nephews.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Howard; her brother, George Moses; sisters, Thelma Morris and Margaret Morris; and son-in-law, Jim Bottger.
Memorial contributions may be made to a charity of one’s choice through the Coles-Strommer Funeral Home.
Jun 25, 2013: Death of Ada Beatrice “Bea” (Chambers) Bottger (age 80), the 1st of 2 children of Howard James Chambers & Jessie Elmeda Moses in Baker, Baker Co, Oregon. Bonnie is buried in the Skyline Memorial Gardens in Portland, Multnomah Co., Oregon.
Jul 1, 2013, Baker City Herald, Baker, Baker Co., Oregon:
Bea Bottger
Baker City, 1933-2013
A. Beatrice “Bea” Bottger, 80, a former Baker City resident, died June 25, 2013. Her funeral will be at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at St. Pius X Catholic Church, 1280 N.W. Saltzman Road, in Portland.
Bea was born Ada Beatrice Chambers to Howard James Chambers and Jessie Elmeda Moses on June 10, 1933, at Baker City. Her father, Howard, suffered heart disease and the young family traveled extensively throughout Baker County in search of work. They lived at Cornucopia, Keating, Pondosa and Copperfield where Howard died in 1939. Jessie taught school at several places, including Missouri Flat where they lived for a time with Ruth and Rock Duncan on their ranch.
Bea often reminisced of bitter cold winters and either walking or riding a horse through the snow to school with her mother. They ended up in Baker City where Bea attended St. Francis Academy and public schools and graduated from Baker High School.
She worked at Woolworth (a variety store) and was an operator for Pacific Northwest Bell Telephone for two years. She met James “Jim” Albert Bottger, a lineman for the phone company. They were married on July 18, 1954, at Baker City.
Together they raised two daughters and three sons. They transferred with the phone company between Baker, Pendleton, Bend and Portland, ending outside Portland in 1972.
Bea was a compassionate giver and volunteer in her everyday life within and in addition to official organizations. She was a dedicated and active member of St. Pius X Catholic Church at Beaverton and worked with the Women’s Club, Hospitality, and Bereavement Committees there. She also volunteered at Maryville Nursing Home and was a member of the Red Hat Society.
She was a second mother to many of her children’s friends, and a beloved grandmother. She was a uniquely kind, gentle and sincere spirit and a friend and inspiration to all who knew her, family members said.
Above all else, Bea was a true believer and follower of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. This was evident by the way she treated others and how she lived her life. She was a dedicated and loving wife and mother. To honor her and her life’s work, the family asks others to give serious consideration to John 3:16-18
She was preceded in death by her mother, Jessie Chambers of Baker City; and her husband, James “Jim” Bottger of Portland. Survivors include her sister; son, son; daughters; and nine grandchildren.
Note: The cemetery and headstone pictures are from Find A Grave and are the property of those who photographed them.
2020. Catherine (Clemens) Sevenau.