Over the past few years my mother has been following me around, showing up in my stomach, my bones, and my dreams. She used to be a dull ache inside me, but not so much anymore. In those five years that I lived with her, I wasn’t raised by co-mission—she wasn’t cruel or abusive—I was raised by … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2014
Beyond the Game
Audio: click arrow to listen A “What’s So” Letter to Michael Michael Naumer October 21, 1942 - May 4, 2001 Sitting in your black canvas director's chair, tilting your head, cocking an eyebrow, and wiggling your right foot, you listened. You had us raise our hands and stand to speak. No moving … [Read more...]
On Being Four
Birthday Letter to My Son: You were four when I picked you up from school, and I could see that you were upset. “Mom, do you know what happens to us when we die!” “Do tell.” “Charlie sang a song about John Henry, and when he died, they buried him in the ground!” “Well, what did you think … [Read more...]